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Ran's POV:

I was able to walk again after a week. Granted, I was pretty slow. Tomoe or Ako tended to always be beside me whenever I was walking. I guess they just want to make sure that I don't fall and hurt myself.

Once I proved that I was stable on my feet, Tomoe and I were allowed to go outside together. I haven't ever seen a town before. This is going to be really cool and really scary. What if people don't like me?

"You ready to go see the town?" Tomoe asked.

She was bouncing with excitement. I guess she's been looking forward to this day for a while now. I wonder what she wants to show me.

"Um... I guess... I've never been in a town before, though." I said, "Is it big?"

"Yeah. But, not too big. I promise you won't get lost easily. And it's not really that crowded on the streets either." Tomoe replied.

"Where are we gonna go?" I asked.

"I wanna introduce you to my friends." Tomle said, "I bet they'll like you a lot."

I'm kind of scared to meet them. I've never really had friends before. And what if they don't like me? Then what? I'll probably be on my own again. I doubt she'd abandon her friends for me.

"Stay safe, girls!" Dad called as opened the front door.

"We will!" Tomoe called back.

We went outside and started walking down a street. I was glancing around at the nee surroundings. So this is what a town looks like. It's not that bad. At least, for now.

Tomoe and I walked at a slow pace. Even if I could walk, I still was told to take it easy. They didn't want me hurting myself again. I don't want that either. I hope soon I'll be all better so I can be normal. I want to be able to run again.

"This is the first friend. I'll go see if she can come out and play." Tomoe stopped in front of a house.

I nodded and waited back for her. I wasn't ready to go and talk to complete strangers. Especially not adults. I don't trust adults that much. Not after the caretakers at the orphanage. I really only trust mom and dad.

I watched as Tomoe started talking to a woman. The woman had pink hair. I had never seen someone with that hair color before. Everyone at the orphanage had black or brown hair. Except when one kid came in with blond.

The woman looked over at me. I gulped and stood as still as a statue. Please just leave me alone. I don't trust you.

Unfortunately, Tomoe called me closer. I nervously walked over to her. I hid behind her back and looked up at the woman. She smiled at me.

"Would you two like to come in? She'll be done in a few minutes." The woman asked.

Please say no. Say we'll just wait out here. I don't wanna go inside. Please, Tomoe. I'm begging you.

"Sure." Tomoe said. Great. Now I'm stuck going inside this house.

The woman led us inside. We sat down in the living room. I kept myself pressed up beside Tomoe. I don't like being in here. I hope this friend comes out really soon. I want to go back outside.

We ended up having to wait for a while. The woman was talking to Tomoe. She was asking some questions about me. She tried asking me, but I refused to talk to her. Tomow just told her that I was shy.

Finally, a girl our age came into the room. She waved excitedly at Tomoe. Tomoe stood up. The two of them hugged. I watched them from the side. Should I do anything?

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