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"do we really have to invite the d'amelio's over? isn't it enough that the orlando's are already here?" luna asked her mother.

"they're coming over whether you want them to or not." melissa said.

"but mom, you don't even like them?" luna said to her.

"so." melissa said.

"so, don't be fake?" luna scoffed.

"i'm not being fake. i'm being polite. now help leah and lauren set the table." melissa smiled. melissa went to the couch with merideth.

"i can't believe charli's coming over for dinner." lauren said in disgust. leah nodded her head in agreement.

"dinner's going to be bad. really bad." luna said.

"yeah. she thinks she can just come over after she used my brother." lauren rolled her eyes.

"to be fair, it was my plan." luna said.

lauren and leah looked at each other. "you're defending her?" leah asked.

"yeah. she broke johnny's heart. she played with his feelings." lauren said.

"yeah, but, that was in the past. i vote, we forget about it." luna smiled.

"i vote we don't. i vote you tell us why you're all of a sudden team charli?" leah asked.

"i second that idea." lauren said.

luna just looked at them, she didn't answer, instead she sprinted up to her bedroom. leah and lauren followed her.

"tell us what you know!" they said at the same time.

"i lied!" luna shouted. she quickly covered her mouth.

leah and lauren exchanged looks. "lied about what?" leah asked. lauren closed and locked the door.

"charli cares about johnny. a lot. i didn't go walk maliboo yesterday, i went to charli's house because she was crying over him." luna said.

"i don't understand why you lied? you didn't even like my brother?" lauren questioned.

"that's the thing. i have liked your brother. for the longest time." luna said quietly.

"i didn't want to lose him to charli. when you told me you had a bad feeling about her, i took that as an opportunity. i feel awful. i didn't think she'd be hurting this much about it." luna explained.

"luna..." leah said softly.

"i knew it!" lauren shouted.

leah and luna looked at her. "you knew what?" leah asked.

"that luna liked johnny the entire time." lauren said.

"you did? how? i mean i had a feeling, but i wasn't entirely sure." leah asked.

"when you made that first post about him. after getting to know you better, i realized that that was your way of getting his attention. and it worked." lauren explained.

"that still doesn't excuse my actions. johnny was happy with charli and i got in the way of that. he's never going to forgive me." luna said, with her voice cracking.

"he might. we still have to live here for a week and a half. you have time." lauren said.

"yeah but-," lauren cut luna off.

"i know my brother. he forgives the people he cares about." lauren said reassuringly.

"he cares about me?" luna asked.

"he has since, well, since before you made that post." lauren smiled.

"this is some really cute sister in law shit, but, the d'amelio's are walking up your driveway." leah said looking out the window.

"luna, if you want dinner to go good, you need to talk to johnny now." lauren said looking at her.

"like right now!" leah told her.

luna stood up and ran downstairs. "luna, i told you no running in the house." her mom said walking towards the front door. she ignored her and ran to the guest room.

"johnny." luna said out of breath.

"what's up luna?" johnny smiled at her.

"i need to talk to you." luna said walking into the room. she closed the door.

"about?" he asked confused.

"about charli. look-," maddie opened the door.

"the d'amelio's are here. time to eat." maddie smiled.

johnny looked at luna, he looked hurt. he walked out of the room. "johnny wait." she followed him out.

"luna, johnny, nice of you guys to join us." merideth said looking at the two.

"i'm actually not hungry." johnny said looking at charli.

"well, that's to bad. you're not going to be rude, take a seat." merideth said to her son.

johnny sat down, next to luna. opposite of charli. it was going to be a long night.

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