18 🔥

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"You looked so fucking hot in that suit, Kook. I bet everyone was staring at you today."

Jungkook moaned and licked his lips. "Tae," he let out.

"Did you like everyone staring at you, baby?" Taehyung asked softly.

Jungkook bit his lip.

"Stop looking at me like that, it's making me hard."

"Fuck, Tae," Jungkook let out, starting to get hard himself.

Taehyung smiled smugly. "What's wrong, baby? You want me to stop?"

The younger shook his head aggressively. No, he loved Taehyung's dirty talk and Tae knew it.

"Didn't think so," Taehyung replied, unrolling his sleeves before removing his shirt. "You see this?" He nodded to his dick, his arousal evident through his jeans. "That's because of you and that suit. Because of you sitting there, looking at me like that.

"I love seeing your bulge in your pants," Taehyung continued. "I love knowing that I can get you hard without even touching you."

Jungkook groaned and brought his hand to his slacks, undoing the button.

"Did I say you could do that?" Taehyung intoned, grabbing Jungkook's tie off the bed and standing up.

The younger watched him approach. "N-no."

"No, I did not. Only I undress you tonight. Clear?" Taehyung bent down so they were eye to eye.

"Crystal," Jungkook agreed, his voice low and rough.

Taehyung wrapped the tie around his hand, covering it completely with the slippery fabric. He walked behind the chair Jungkook sat in, leaning forward so his head was right by his ear.

"I'm going to make you feel so good, Kookie. But whatever you do, you're not to touch either of us until I say so. If you do, you'll be punished."

Jungkook let out his breath. He absolutely loved this side of Tae. He was so hot, so sexy. So dominating.

Taehyung ran his tie-covered hand over Jungkook's shoulder and down his chest, the smooth fabric gliding over his skin. Jungkook arched into the touch, loving the silken feel.

The elder continued caressing his skin with the material as he bent forward to plant a soft kiss at the base of Jungkook's neck. A noise got caught in Jungkook's throat.

"I want to hear you, baby. Hearing you moan is so fucking satisfying," Taehyung purred as he walked around to face Jungkook. He knelt down and unzipped the younger's pants, sliding them down his legs and folding them quickly. That left Jungkook in small black briefs that showcased his erection.

Taehyung felt his own stomach clench as he took in the lack of material covering Jungkook's muscular thighs. Seeing how built he was did something to Taehyung. Turned him on more.

"Think I just learned another kink of mine," Taehyung stated, rubbing his tie-covered hand along the inside of Jungkook's thighs.

Jungkook let out a moan at the feeling. Taehyung's delicate touch, combined with the smooth material and his sensitive inner thighs, aroused him even more. "Oh, yeah?" He finally managed.

Taehyung threw the tie away and ran his bare hands up Jungkook's thighs to the abs of his lower stomach. "Your muscles."

"Fuck, Tae," Jungkook groaned as Taehyung sat in his lap, rubbing himself right against the younger.

Taehyung ran his hands up Jungkook's chest to squeeze the muscles in his arms. "You're so strong, Kook. And I love that you could probably overpower me, but you're just sitting here letting me control you. It makes me so hard."

He ground his hips into Jungkook's for emphasis. The younger couldn't take it anymore, he needed something, so he grabbed Taehyung's ass and pushed his length harder against Taehyung.

Taehyung yanked his hands away. "Bad boy," he chided. "Did I not tell you that you weren't to touch?"

"Tae," Jungkook moaned. "Please."

But Taehyung barely heard as he was halfway out of the bedroom. After a minute of Jungkook sweating in his seat, the elder returned with something in his hand. An ice tray.

Taehyung broke a cube out of the tray and wasted no time in dragging it across Jungkook's neck. The younger shivered at the sensation.

"Cold," he murmured.

"Yes, baby. Cold," Taehyung affirmed, letting the cube melt against Jungkook's hot skin.

He grabbed two more and circled them around Jungkook's taut nipples, causing a loud moan to erupt from Jungkook's mouth.

"You like this, huh?" Taehyung questioned the younger. "Not just the feeling, but me having full power over you."

"Yes," Jungkook breathed, moaning again as another ice cube was dragged up and down the inside of his thighs. He got even harder than he already was and felt like he could explode at any point.

Taehyung realized this. The younger's chest was tainted red and the veins at his neck were prominent. But the elder wasn't done playing.

He quickly removed his own pants and boxers before stepping up to Jungkook. "I'm going to let you come. As soon as you taste me."

Jungkook, needing his release, did not hesitate. He sunk to his knees and put Taehyung's cock in his mouth, sucking hard and wildly. The elder grabbed Jungkook's head and gripped his long hair, thrusting himself further into Jungkook's mouth.

"You're going to make me come, baby," Taehyung moaned out, increasing his speed until he did, releasing his load down Jungkook's throat.

Jungkook pulled his cock out of his mouth and continued licking, cleaning the boy up. A bit of white substance dripped down his chin, so Taehyung scooped it up with his fingers and presented it to him. Jungkook took his fingers into his mouth and sucked until they were clean.

Taehyung smiled. "What a good boy." He pulled Jungkook up off of the floor, pulled down his briefs, and pushed him back to the chair. "Spread your legs, baby."

Jungkook obeyed as Taehyung knelt down, situating himself right above the younger's cock. Taehyung gripped him with his wet hand, pumping Jungkook slowly.

"I don't want to feel my face after you're done with me," Taehyung said, looking right into Jungkook's eyes. "I'm giving you permission to use me, baby. As long as you scream my name when you come, you can make me your bitch."

Jungkook almost came at Taehyung's words alone. The elder knew exactly what to say to make him lose control and he was not letting up now.

"I want to feel your cock in my mouth, Jungkook," Taehyung said.

Jungkook waited no longer. "Then open wide."

Taehyung smirked and opened his mouth, eagerly taking Jungkook in. Jungkook took hold of Taehyung's head in his lap, knotting his fingers through the elder's hair. He lifted his hips up sharply and slid his entire length into Taehyung's mouth. He felt his tip slide slightly into his throat.

Taehyung's eyes didn't leave Jungkook's, even as they watered. Jungkook thrusted faster and faster, sweat dripping down his chest. Then suddenly, he felt his muscles tighten and clench.

He stared right into Taehyung's eyes as he came, yelling the elder's name loudly and repeatedly. He kept murmuring his name as Taehyung cleaned him up with his mouth, kept saying it as Taehyung pushed back his sweaty hair.

"So good, baby," Taehyung said. "Come cuddle with me now."

Jungkook let himself be pulled to Taehyung's bed and snuggled into the elder.

"I missed you, Tae," he said after the two got comfortable.

Taehyung smiled into Jungkook's hair. "I missed you too."

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