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Jungkook stayed up most of the night getting ready for the morning. By the time the sun started to rise, he was utterly exhausted. The work he had done was not easy; it was as tolling mentally as physically. He allowed himself to take a short nap before he packed up his bags and placed them by the front door.

He made sure to look around his house one last time, soaking in all of the memories he built there. His childhood was a happy one and he was so appreciative for what his parents had done for him. He'd always be thankful. But obligation should only go so far. He would not be coerced into obedience based on ultimatums.

When his parents awoke and came into the kitchen, he was already there. In front of him lay dozens of sheets of papers, all stacked neatly together.

"What is this?" His father asked, coming over to pick up one of the papers.

Jungkook quickly grabbed them and clutched the stack to his chest, not ready to hand them over just yet.

"Jungkook, honey, what is this all about?" His mother asked, taking a seat at the table. Her eyes were wide with concern.

He looked to his father. "Would you please sit?"

The older man sat with a huff, arms crossing tightly over his chest. He looked annoyed and utterly inconvenienced to be sitting there with them.

"I thought a lot about what you said, father," Jungkook spoke, making eye contact with the man. "I thought a lot about how disappointed you were with me. But I want you to know . . . I don't need your approval to be happy like I thought I did. It would mean so much for me to have it. But I realized having the love of someone who accepts me for me is much more important than getting your stamp of approval.

"I am in love with Kim Taehyung," Jungkook continued. "Your threats will not change that. Cutting me off won't change that. Nothing you say or do to me will change what I feel. I understand my choices are not the ones you would have made. But they are my choices. And I'm choosing to live a life full of happiness and love. I'm choosing to be exactly who I am."

Jungkook noted the tears welling in his mother's eyes and it made him pause. He didn't want to hurt her. But he needed to do what was right for him.

"You can take away the funding for school and rent. You can take away the love and pride you have for me as your son. But you cannot take away my love for Taehyung. Because we have learned together that love transcends beyond expectations and duty. Love is accepting someone for everything they are. I accept him and he accepts me. And even though I do not agree with your take on my feelings, I accept you both, too."

His heart hurt, knowing what was coming next. "If you cannot accept me for who I am, then I realize that your love for me only reaches so far. And that is okay. I forgive you for that. Some people can only love to certain limits. But my love knows no bounds."

Jungkook gently placed the papers on the table and slid them towards his parents. "Taehyung's love knows no bounds either. These are his own words to me. I hope you can read these one day, maybe years from this moment, and understand that wherever I am, I am truly loved."

Jungkook looked down at the papers he had spent the whole night working on. He had photos of Taehyung's letters to him saved on his phone, and he copied every single one of them down. He almost regretted sharing Taehyung's personal words, but he felt it was the right thing to do.

Jungkook stood up and took in his parents. His mother was openly crying while his father had a stony expression.

"I'm not afraid of the challenges you have now bestowed on me. Taehyung and I will make it through. I won't be naive and think it'll be easy, but I want you to know I will come away from this a better and stronger man." He made eye contact with them both one last time. "I will always love you. Please never forget that."

Jungkook walked away from them and away from his childhood home. He grabbed the bags at the door and left, the alarm from the security system breaking the silence hanging in the air. He could still hear it as he continued down the street. He could still hear it in his mind as he boarded a bus and made his way to Taehyung's family's house. He could still hear that alarm ringing in his ears as he knocked at Taehyung's door.

Taehyung opened the door and threw his arms around him, pulling him as close as possible. Jungkook finally allowed his tears to fall, soaking the elder's thin shirt.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here," Taehyung said. "You're home now."

At his words, the ringing in his ears finally stopped. It was replaced by one word, in Taehyung's voice, repeating surely and strongly.


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Double update today because I couldn't leave you guys hanging!!

I've come to love how Tae and Kookie have evolved in this story. They've become people who realize what they have is rare and is indeed something worth fighting for.

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