Chapter Thirty-One: The Search

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Grant POV:

I sighed after I had relieved myself in the bathroom, but I froze when I heard glass shattering. The smoke alarms went off, and Raphael immediately became alert. I threw open the bathroom door, coughing as I inhaled a bit of smoke. Soon the smoke cleared out an I roared in fury when I saw my mate was nowhere to be found. I ran out of the house, trembling as Raphael demanded to be let out. I shifted immediately, my wolf nose going to the ground and sniffing for my mate's scent. I couldn't pick up her scent, but I did catch a horribly familiar odor with the musky earth.

Rogues. Raphael snarled as he began racing towards the Alpha's house. I'll kill them for touching my mate!

We need to think logically right now, not emotionally, we need to find our mate! I told him sternly.

We burst into Alpha Luke's house, shifting back.

"Luke!" I hollered. "It's an emergency!"

"What is it?" Luke called back as he came running down the stairs, his witch mate at his heels.

"The rogues, they've kidnapped Mackenzie." I panted, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I just mind linked Walker, Charlotte, Scott and Ariel," Alpha Luke spoke firmly. "Do you have any idea where they might be?"

"No. There's a bit of a scent around my house but it does off near the main road," I growled.

"I can help." Talzia spoke up with a whispery voice. "If you have anything of Kenzi's DNA, like a hair or something, I can piece it with the dirt of the scent of the rogues and do a spell to get a relative idea of where she is being held."

"Okay." I nodded. We raced back to my house, where I found a hair of Kenzi's from her hairbrush, and I picked up some of the dirt with the scent of rogues on it. Walker, Charlotte, Scott, and Ariel had arrived at my house by then, and Walker looked ready to kill.

"I'll tear them all to pieces for hurting my pack." He snarled. Talzia set the hair and dirt in separate circles of salt, and dropped two drops of my blood into the third circle of salt, the three points forming an equilateral triangle.

"Silu Tara Enykiem Kokor Nosethy De Rupos. Silu Tara Enykiem Kokor Nosethy De Rupos. Silu Tara Enykiem Kokor Nosethy De Rupos!" Talzia chanted. The salt lines that connected the three points lit on fire, and then the triangle exploded in blue flames, which Talzia brushed her fingers over and nodded.

"She's being held at the old warehouse on the outskirts of the Drenul Forest." Talzia confirmed.

"Alright love, are you coming with?" Luke asked Talzia.

"Of course I am, Kenzi is my friend too." She nodded.

"Then you'll be riding on my back." Luke spoke firmly.

"No I will not. I know it's cheesy, but I do carry this for transportation needs." Talzia shook her head. "Erupo Lilazik." An old, rickety looking broom appeared in her hand, and she smiled before then getting on it.

"I hope you don't mind if I bring a friend along." Talzia spoke sheepishly. "Pantheria Lipogura!" I stared in amazement as a black panther suddenly appeared, stretching back like a dog would.

"Hello, Milady, what is it that causes you to summon me," it spoke in a low purr.

"Everyone, this is Spire, my black cat," Talzia introduced him. "He is very powerful and can use a good deal of magic himself, so I figure he should come along."

"Okay, that's fine, but please we need to move out now." I spoke urgently.

"Yes!" Charlotte exclaimed. We all shifted into our wolves and took off like lightning, our feet pounding against the earth, Talzia flying right beside Luke on her broom.

"So, what are we in such a hurry for?" Spire asked me as he kept pace with me easily.

"My mate has been kidnapped by rogues." I spoke in a low growl.

"Oh, I see." Spire nodded. "Your mate must be Mackenzie, the hybrid werewolf witch. Milady Talzia has told me about her."

"Yes, and normally she is strong enough to fight them, but right now she's pregnant with twins, and I fear that they will be harmed along with her," I panicked.

"Don't worry, Grant," Scott spoke firmly. "We'll save her."

"We can't afford to lose anyone else we love," Walker agreed. "I'll tear the scrawny heads off of those rogues the first second I see them."

We soon reached the warehouse, and stopped at the edge of the forest, where the trees still hid us. I heard screaming from inside and became enraged when I knew it was Kenzi's screams.

"We can't just dive in guns blazing," Alpha Luke sighed in annoyance. "They've got the place surrounded with vampires. Those clever sons of bitches."

"I eat vampires for breakfast," Spire laughed. "Well, I don't really eat them. They have no nutritional value. But I grew up fighting vampires. All you have to do is tear their heads from their bodies and claw out their hearts."

"Sounds easy enough," Ariel nodded. "So Spire, Walker, and Scott, you handle the vampires. Talzia, can you do a protection spell for us?"

"Not for long, you'll have about an hour and a half, and that's assuming I don't get found." Talzia answered hesitantly.

"Then Charlotte and Ariel will handle the protection of Talzia, and Grant and I will go find Kenzi and get her out of there." Luke decided. "And remember everyone. Don't get yourself killed."

We all nodded before setting off to attack the rogues.

Kenzi...if you can hear me... I will save you. I mind linked her.

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