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Dear God,

Ever since Charlie gave his life to let Jesse keep his, Jesse stopped caring. He destroyed himself. He believed it was his fault.

The twinkle left his eyes, the spring in his step was long gone and it was like his smile never existed.

He spent his life cooped up in his room, doing things I don't even want to talk about. He blamed himself so much that one day it became too much. And he tried to end it all.

God, this is so hard.

Mackenzie changed our son. For the better no doubt.

She bought back that sparkle and the spring. She made him smile and laugh, something we were never able to achieve after the death of our eldest son. And for that I will be forever grateful.

Today was the funeral of Jesse Oliver Brown and Mackenzie Danny Lousia.

Seeing their caskets side by side next to Charlie's broke my heart. It reminded me of how much we've lost. Three young and innocent souls. Our son was lucky to find true love. Because a love like that is rare.

Mackenzie's parents were at the funeral. And they were crying. They were CRYING. It made me so angry. What right do they have?

They didn't care when she was alive, so why care now?

This is a cruel world.

But my 24 hours is almost up, and Jesse was right.

We take so, so many things for granted. From now on, I promise to live each day like it is my last, and no matter what, I will keep smiling.

For Jesse.

For Mackenzie.

For Charlie.

Gone but never forgotten.

Look after them God.


Scarlett Oliver

Dear God {completed}Where stories live. Discover now