1. A Past Interaction

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3 years ago...

"If you don't let them win every once in a while, they're not going to come back you know"

"Excuse me?" You turn to the young man that had just spoken as you shuffled the smooth poker cards and got the table ready for the next players.

"You're cheating"

The young man turns away from the coin he was playing around with and looks at you, his brown hair falling around his soft, pale face with a light bounce, light brown eyes glittering with amusement. In the dim light of the casino, he was certainly good looking, but the flashing colours of all the games behind him as he looks at you unbothered gave the young man an eerie feel.

"Maybe you're just bad at the game" you scoff, pulling your eyes away from him.

"Hm...perhaps. But I know I'm better than you. I see it in the way you play...it's not effortless like most people around, so that leads me to believe you're cheating." The brunette states simply, sitting straight and resting his head on his hands to look at you better.

"Well you're wrong."

Is it cheating if it's simply my ability? I'm gifted with hearing the way their hearts react to every play. It's so easy to guess their next moves...

"However...I can't seem to figure out how you do it..." the young man mutters to himself, smiling when you glance back at him with a small smirk you were trying to hide.

One of the reasons you'd grown to love the Sky Casino was because the people you found were so amusing to watch while they tried to figure out your secrets as the dealer.

"Is it an ability?"

"Just a gift" You say, putting down the deck of cards and arranging the chips while keeping an eye on him. There was something interesting about him, but you couldn't quite place what...

"I don't really believe you...[f/n]"

"You aren't special just because you can read my name tag"

"You aren't from around here, are you?"

"Are you going to keep asking me questions or are you going to gamble? This is a casino, not some random bar" You sigh, watching people gather around you and the young man, getting restless to start playing or to watch a good match.

"Fine fine, I'll stop. Let me know when you're done your shift here though...I'm Osamu Dazai, by the way" the brunette gets up and smiles flirtatiously, and you aren't sure if you should smile back or roll your eyes at his demeanour.

With Dazai disappearing into the buzz of the casino, you concentrate back on the game that you were about to start, putting all your concentration into truly listening to your ability for the rest of your shift.


"These are probably my least favourite machines in the whole Sky Casino"

At the sound of your voice, Dazai turns away from the slot machine almost immediately, pleased surprise on his face when he sees you listened to him after all.

Funny...he looks excited but his heart is not into it...

I can change that.

With a sweet smile you walk closer towards him, slipping in a casino coin to play a round of slots, your faces close in proximity.

"Let me show you what a real game of chance is supposed to feel like" you whisper, brushing your hand against his and leaving it around his wrist, placing his hand on the red slots handle.

Bad Kind of Butterflies ♧ DazaiXReaderXDOAWhere stories live. Discover now