24. Dance

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Standing next to Dazai, your whole body tenses up, unable to turn and look at him directly as you almost hypnotically watch the dice roll on the game being played in front of you. Cheers erupt as more wins are made, money being thrown everywhere, the special coins you had received weeks ago being passed around like any normal casino chip.

"Quite the business you've got going around here...I've been trying to figure it out from the beginning you know..." Dazai whispers next to you, throwing a few of his own bets around, keeping his hand wrapped around your wrist so you don't leave.

"After the last time I saw you, I couldn't simply leave. I figured out what the coins could do...but I didn't understand why, even now I wonder why they've been chipped with explosive material...but I know you must have been told something by now, I know you know something, that's why you're still here. How much will you do to keep your secrets? How much will you do to keep this place safe?"

A shiver goes down your spine as you hang on every word coming from the brown haired man next to you, lips pursed together as you try to think of a response, the world silent compared to the usual raging sounds with Dazai's ability fighting against yours.

"What are you saying?" You ask softly, eyes straying to catch even a glimpse of the expression on his face. You can't read him at all, though his tone is much more somber than normal, the usual twinkle in his warm eyes gone; or maybe it's the shadows of his mask, but whatever it is, Dazai feels colder. Where you stand, you feel as if no light will find you the darker the night gets, and you aren't sure how safe you feel next to Dazai.

"I'm not walking away with nothing. I never do." He responds, suddenly pulling you away from the table and through crowds of people, needing to push your own way through as he leads to a small space on the floor when he abruptly turns around and pulls you to him, hand on your waste while his other lifts your wrist up and slides his hand into yours, your other hand forced one his shoulder as he spins you around with him, in perfect sync with the others. You hadn't realized it before, but part of the masquerade night meant a few dances amongst the games; feat, hands, minds and wallets all alive under the growing moon that the windows showed off so extravagantly. Currently, a dramatic 4/4 tempo plays, and you are whisked away by Dazai's control.

"Let's talk." He says, your eyes immediately pulled to his pretty face though half covered by a mask, your breathing hitched and your eyes wide with wonder.

What has he found out?

"About what?"

"Don't act dumb."

There's no playing hide and seek when there is no where to hide.

"I'm not acting dumb. I just don't understand what you're trying to ask of m-"

"Shh, don't raise your pretty voice, others might hear you...and wouldn't that be tragic for you?"

There's a glint in Dazai's when he says that, and you don't think he's talking about the strangers around you, but the ears of the decay of angels, whether he knows who they are or not.

Is that why he watched me and Gogol's interaction so closely?

Why won't you just leave, Dazai?

Give up.


God knows.

"Who is the man you were talking to earlier?"


"A friend."

"That's not an answer, there's more to the story."

Bad Kind of Butterflies ♧ DazaiXReaderXDOAWhere stories live. Discover now