23. Hide and Seek

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Music playing in the background, game after game, card after card, the casino fills up rapidly and you only feel more trapped. The level of noise is beyond what you are used to, but on top of that, your concentration has already sabotaged by the players in front of you; or more specifically, Dazai and Gogol playing every new round you started. At the beginning, you try to ignore it, sure that it's a coincidence since neither were looking or paying attention to the other. Dazai seemed to only be there to entertain, to your displeasure - even if you know it's not your place to feel anything at all - somehow managing to attract the most female spectators. However, there were glances every now and then that led you to believe that he had another purpose after all. Gogol on the other hand, had his eyes completely on you. Half of the time you wondered how he managed to steal some of the matches when he almost never looked down, while the rest of your thoughts were on high alert as to what exactly he was trying to gain.

Now an hour later, there is no ignoring anything. Using your ability, you keep tabs on both of them, but it's difficult. They're both the type of people you can't predict, and now in the masquerade chaos, your ability is on overdrive which makes it ten times worse. You can't read anything.

"I win again!!"

Gogol jumps up from his seat, his cards flying on the ground as he makes a face towards the other players even though most is covered by his mask, sending a smirk towards you as you try not to react with anything but a normal, pleased dealer pride as you would to anyone...if it weren't for the fact that he'd been winning for ages and still gave the same reaction every round. The only difference is his smugness towards you grows every time.


"Congratulations...sir." You say, expression a forced sweet smile as you gradually move closer to Gogol and help him pick up all the cards that he had purposefully thrown to get you to go towards him. You lean down and get the ones from the floor as he watches, not thinking much of it until you get back up and place them on the counter, counting quizzically, realizing you were still missing one though you were sure you had gotten them all.

"Don't worry...miss, I've got it."

Gogol's smooth voice leaves a warm tickle in your ear, blush sprinkled on your cheeks as you feel him directly behind you, an arm wrapped almost around you as he hands you the last card, the heat of his body so close bringing back memories that feel so distant as the day and night stretches out. You hold a gasp, slowly taking the card and pushing past him, the clown letting out a small, repressed giggle.

Eyes of other players look between the two of you suspiciously, one man even starting to get agitated and angry, accusing you of rigging the game in his favour, to the point where you had to place your hand in his exposed wrist gently and use your ability to slow down his heart rate to make the illusion that he was ok and unbothered, that your words of reassurance and comfort are nothing but true. When you do, your own heart rate calms down due to the after affects of using your ability on someone, but the nerves are only reawakened when you turn your head to see Dazai looking directly towards you, a darkness that you only suspected previously in him showing in his eyes, brows furrowed in deep thought as he scrutinizes your behaviour.

What are you up to?

You only give him a small, quick smile in return, not wanting him to look any further into your actions.

It's a dangerous hole you'd be digging in to...I thought you'd have given up and left already. Please ignore it all and live in one last bliss in this house.

Returning to the centre, you are about to start another game when a co-worker of yours interrupts and tells you quickly that they're doing a switch of tables. A little confused, since usually on the busier nights the shifts are much longer, you are practically pushed out of the table, a sour look on your face as your co-worker starts organizing the cards as you had been doing, their eyes strictly on Dazai. That's when you realize you had been completely played, but you can't think of any reason to get your position back, so you just stand and watch helplessly, rolling your eyes at the show they are putting on.

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