Chapter 8 : The Beginning (Part 1)

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Yuhuuuuuu finally we get to the UA arc. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I just finish my final exam a week ago, and I decide to rest my brain a little lol. Shout out to shadowtrans63. Because of his words I'm motivated to improve my writing skill, If he reading this I want to say thank you, and I hope you like this story XD. Btw this chapter start right after Izuku awake from his dream in previous chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Izuku POV

After seeing that dream, I feel like its such a cruel fate to wake up and end it. That dream is something that happen in the past, where she still with me. We always stick together wherever we go. To the park, the forest, the temple, or anywhere that new and fun for us. She always the energetic one and drag me all over the place. It's been ten years since then, but I can still remember it vividly. All my memories from back something I always tresure. A memories before everything turn upside down. A memories before my world got robed in front of my eyes and become empty.

My cheeks feels a bit wet, I touched and it feels like there's somekind of a tears stain on it. I carefully sit up on the edge of my bed so I don't wake eri up. I quickly clean my mess of a face and toughen up, "Crying in my sleep ?......I guess I miss her more than I want to admit". I glanced up while reminiscing all the memory I have left of her.

My eyes start to adjust to the darkness and everything started to clear up. I caught a glimse of my clock that show 6am on its little screen. I stand up and make my away outside to start my daily routine. After about an hour or so, I take a shower and prepare myself to make breakfast for my family. When I'm at the kitchen, there's a small note lying on dinner table. I pick it up and read it..........

"To Izuku,

I already on my way to UA for the enterance exam preparation. You don't need to make me anything cause I already have my pouch Jelly drink, and there's also your favorite Grape flavor on the fridge. Don't forget to bring eri with you, and meet me at nezu's office. I'll take care of her while you participate on the exam.

From Dad,"

After reading it, I can help but to laugh "When did he even bought it ?. I didn't saw him brought it with him last night". Pouch jelly drink already become our favorite snacks for years. He just decided to bought it for me a years ago, and since then I started to like it. When there's a new flavor out, we buy and try it together. By this time that kind of thing already become one of Aizawa household weird traits, but that little weird things we do.......... is the one that make us grown closer.

I continue to make a meal for eri. When I already finish it, I quickly prepare the dining table for the two of us. It's only take about 20 minute to finish all the necessary preparation. Suddenly I hear an angel voice calling for me from upstair.

"Papa~......where are you ?"

"I'm at the kitchen, come on down breakfeast is ready !"

I see my little angel walking down the stairs while yawning, "How can one girl be this cute ?". When she finally reaching the kitchen, she quickly running to hug me.

"*Smile* Good morning Papa~ !!"

"Hey there snowball~", I said it while picking her up. I gently tidy her hair up, and plan a kiss on her forehead. This get a giggle from her. She wrap her arm around my neck and start to snuggle closer to me, "Let's have breakfast shall we ?, We need to get you ready so we can go to UA".

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