Chapter : Twenty Nine

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Chapter : 29

Ananya's POV

"...And then there are other days when we just need a break from all of this study business. So we do bunk a few classes here and there you know," Sam, the red headed guy, said shrugging.

"Really? But doesn't it cost to bunk classes?" I asked, knowing how important each of their classes can be.

But before Sam could answer, Manav interrupted. "Guys, we have an important lecture to attend 10 minutes from now. Better get going," the boy spoke with urgency.

David, the third guy, slapped his hand over his forehead as if remembering about the lecture just now.

"Ananya, we better go, see you later, yeah?" Sam said as he got up from the lawn.

I smiled at the three as they waved and started walking away. I too got up and checked the time. I was surprised to realize that it was 2:10 PM. Does time fly by so quickly?

Nevertheless, feeling way better now, I started walking in the opposite direction, towards the Hostel. David, Sam and Manav proved to be really sweet guys. I was slouched on the bench, thinking of returning to the hostel room when these three came over the talk to me. At first they were concerned about my glum face. I ended up telling them about Rishav and all that he had said. I guess it didn't matter much since I was talking to strangers who didn't even know who Rishav was.

They started a random conversation and one topic led to another. I'm glad they proved to be a distraction for me.

"Hey, Ananya!" a voice emanated from behind.

I turned to find David rushing towards me. I frowned. What's it now?

He reached me and presented a phone to me. No, not just any phone. It was my phone. Unable to register anything, I gazed at the device blankly.

"You were too gloomy and that guy was trying to call and text you. I handled it when you were listening to Sam and Manav," David said and winked at me.

Before I could comprehend what he said, he waved and darted away like the wind. Glancing down once at my device, I put it into my pocket and walked back towards the hostel.

Reaching the hostel room, I knocked onto it, hoping Rishav was already in there. There came no response. I thought of fishing out the keys but my eyes caught attention of the door lock. It was open. Pushing the door, I peeked into the room to find the green-eyed boy talking over the phone, his back facing me as he settled over the study chair.

"Yeah, congrats on the acceptance," he said.

"What? I don't sound sad, bro! Why'd I be sad? I'm happy for you," Rishav argued a moment later.

"Whatever, let me know the wedding and engagement dates when I'm back," Rishav spoke at the end and disconnected.

"Did Sameer get accepted? That's great!" I said as I closed the door behind me upon entering the room.

I couldn't help but notice his back tense suddenly as my voice reached him. I headed over and flopped on the bed, waiting for him to turn and reply. But he simply kept his gaze at his phone, his jaw clenched.

What? It's me who should be upset.

"What climbed up you and died?" I asked and tilted my head, confused.

He finally turned to face me with hostile green eyes and a frown etched over his face. His eyes were a swirling whirlpool of questions and accusations.

Before I could react, he stood up and walked over to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I frowned at his actions, my brows furrowing confusedly. He never acted this annoyed with me. Sighing, I pulled out my phone to call Di and Raghav to my room so that we could hang out for a while, but my eyes caught glimpse of an unread message from Rishav. It didn't make much sense to me though.

"Keep enjoying. Come back when u r done"-R

My eyes couldn't believe what they saw when I scrolled up the previous texts. When did this...? And then it clicked my head.

DAVID! why?!

Feeling bad about it, I thought how to talk things out with him. Rishav had tried to reach out to me, I agree he didn't show like he cared but he did. It made me feel a warmth I never thought he could've provided because all I had seen was his big ego. But how do I make things right?

I got off the bed and took loud footsteps to the door. Then, I opened and slammed the door loud enough for him to hear from the bathroom. I tiptoed my way to the side of the bathroom door and waited for him to come out.

A minute later, the door opened from inside and Rishav walked out. I pounced on him and hugged him tightly from sideways. He was thrown off guard and his body tensed.

"You know, you are too small to take me down all alone. Stop trying," Rishav said in a flat tone.

"I know a guy like you doesn't know what a hug is, it's okay Mr.Ego," I spoke with sympathy, still not leaving him.

My remark made him smirk at me.

"Let go now," he repeated.

"Only if you agree to be friends with me." I said.

I could feel his hard body in my arms. I barely wrapped around his torso since he was taller than me. He smelled like the woods. Refreshing. What's the matter with me?

"What are we? Seven?" He scoffed.

"Just answer me." I persisted.

He sighed.

"Fine," he muttered, looking away.

"Do you mean it?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

Rishav surprised me when he turned to face me and put his arms around me. His body frame easily covered me. Looking down at me with his bright green eyes, he took a deep breath.

Somehow I felt mesmerized by those eyes.

"I do mean it when I say we can be friends, Ananya," he said, meaning every word that left his lips.

I felt my throat constrict. When did Rishav have this effect on me? What's happening?

He released me from his embrace and took a step back out of my arms, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets.

"Happy now?" he asked.

I just smiled since my vocals seemed to have switched off.

"Okay, come on. Let's get going to the auditorium then. We can't be late for the designing session," Rishav said as he made his way towards the exit.

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