Liang x reader Comfort

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You had just gotten into a fight with Samon, who was one of your closest friends. He claimed that you had told his secret, which he had written down on a note which he says that he left in your duffle bag. The blue one that was leant up against the wall in the training ground. He had been too angry to let you explain that you didn't have a blue duffle bag. You had one, sure, but it was black. He had been too busy yelling at you to hear you frantic and tear-filled questions. 'what secret?' you had asked, confused. But he didn't answer, claiming that you knew. He eventually stormed away, leaving you to stand there, wandering what you had done like a scolded puppy. You had gone back to your training after that, weakly attacking the punching bag as you forced yourself to stop crying. No one had seen the fight. No one knew. So you would pretend like it didn't happen, for both yours and Samon's sake. Even though he had yelled at you, you didn't want him to be embarrassed once he cooled down and figured out that it was, in fact, not your bag that he had slipped his not into, so you wouldn't tell anyone. After this had blown over, it would be like it had never happened. You stripped off your clothes in the training room, quickly rinsing off from your not-so-vigorous training session. Liang and Upa were both very observant, though you doubt that Upa would act on anything if he saw it. It was Liang you were worried about. He was another very close friend, though it hurt you to call him that. You had always harbored a small crush on him, though you would never admit it. You chuckled as you remembered the times that Samon had teased you about it. Liang was one of the only ones who picked up on your almost completely hidden habits that gave away how you were really feeling. You didn't know how he did it and you tried your best to stop what you thought gave it away but to no avail. 'I'll be able to do it this time' you thought to yourself, not quite sure if it was true or not. You took in a breath before forcing your lips into a small, casual smile. You walked into the cell, doing your usual greetings. You tried to keep your posture from going into a slouch as you sat down on your bed. It was still an hour or so from bed time, so you couldn't go to sleep now, even though you wanted to. You sighed and picked up a book. Your eyes skimmed over the pages and you flipped them, though you weren't really paying attention to them. "(y/n)-san, is something wrong?" said Liang, who had seemingly appeared on the side of you. You jumped, hurriedly putting on a small smile. "No, why?" You asked plainly. He looked at your for a while, as if he was thinking of saying something, but then he decided against it. "Okay." He said simply before walking away. You sighed in relief as he walked away. Lights out soon came, and you gratefully put the book down, glad to be able to keep the frown off of your face. You had already changed into your pajamas a while ago, so you simply laid down, back facing the wall. You curled slightly into the fetal position, as if that would relieve the pressure in your chest. Your heart was heavy and it hurt, almost physically. You closed your eyes, though you doubted you could sleep despite you tiredness. You then felt the bed dip from someone sitting on it. You opened your eyes so see Liang. 'he looks pretty with his hair down' you thought to yourself. He looked down at with a concerned expression. You were about to question him, but he spoke before you could. "You had a fight with Samon." He said in a quiet voice. It wasn't a question. Just a statement. You laid there shocked. "How-" "I heard him yelling at you." "I-I...." You didn't have a response. You allowed your neutral facial expression to drop, it being replaced by a hurt one. You heard Liang sigh as you looked down at the bed. He was still for a while before you felt him shift. He gently moved you over before slipping under the covers next to you. He pulled you against him by your waist, and you let your head fall against his chest. A contented hum left your throat as he slipped his fingers through your hair to cradle your head. You then realized that he must have seen how upset you had been after Samon had left. That must have been how he found out his time. No words were said as you allowed yourself to relax against him. He was warm and, despite his muscles, soft. You felt him slip his hand holding you to him by your waist slip under your shirt to rub gentle circles on your back. You eventually draped your arms around him. You curled up slightly into him, tangling your legs with his. The fight still hurt and you were still very worried about the days to come, but for now, being pressed up against his chest, you felt safe. You nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and sighed. Slowly, you drifted into a comfortable sleep.

It's been  f o r e v e r  since I've posted on here. I just found some requests that I didn't get to. AnnieHoV had requested a Mitsuru and Jyugo x reader a good bit of chapters ago. I'm really sorry that I posted like a million chapters and never got to your request! I'll start working on them asap! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading! So YEET.

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