Kokoriki x calm,naive reader (part 1)

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"Sure! No problem." You said with a small smile as Ranaga dropped the large stack of paperwork into your arms. He said that he didn't have time to do it because he had 'other important things to do' He was one of your friends here at Nanba. You never understood why the rest of your usual friend group consisting of the Daisen brothers, never liked it when you hung out with him. "Wha'd you do to get a stack of papers like that (n/n)" said Kokoriki as he caught up to you on your way to your office. You simply smiled up at him, "Ranaga said that he needed to do a few other things and asked me to cover for him." At this, you saw his eyes shift into a glare. You cocked your head to the side, "What's with the face?" Kokoriki shook his head, replacing his glare with a soft look, "Nothing." He said before taking in a calming breath, "Also, I wanted to tell you something." You stopped walking and turned to him. "Yes?" "I-i- umm-" He started playing with the floof of hair that covered his left eye. You giggled at this. Ranaga then began walking past you, apparently too busy to actually stop when he said, "You better get on that." As he sped by. "Oh, right." You said, remembering your paperwork, "I gatta go! See you later." You said as you booped the three freckles below his exposed eye. Kokoriki touched the cheek that you touched with his hand. You had done this a million times before, but it got him every time. You never noticed how speechless he was left after, though. You never noticed his attempts at confessing to you. He had no idea that you did, in fact, notice, though. You had always been very... very trusting. Too trusting. You also really liked Kokoriki. He was really nice and sweet and cute. But so had he been. He was nice and sweet and cute too. It was three years ago, but you remembered it like it was yesterday. You had caught him at the end of one of his apparently many sessions with one of his side chicks. You remember how his words hurt you as you listened just on the other side of the door. You were only about ten feet away from him, but you had never felt more apart. "She means nothing to me. As soon as I get enough money, she's never going to see me again. I promise, baby~" You made a lot more money than him, and he did ask for funding very often, but you shared what you had with those you love, right? You weren't supposed to be home for another week, but the trip had been called off due to most people getting tied up at the last second. You came in quietly because you thought that he would be sleeping. He didn't know you were there. You choked back your tear and packed your bags quietly. They had both fallen asleep so it was easy for you to get your little bit of clothes along with all of the clothes you had bought him out. You also took everything that was yours, which was most of the stuff there. You had both been sharing an apartment, though you had been paying the rent. You called the landlord and told him what happened. He let you break your lease so you wouldn't have to pay for him anymore. You called an uber and lugged all of your luggage into it. You never saw him again. You didn't want to hear his rehearsed lines of "oh no baby she was nothing. I love you." Because you knew that they would mean nothing. You had been making the three hour commute to you job as a guard at Nanba to be closer to him despite there being free housing on the island itself. You called and got the key to your new apartment. You crashed on the soft bed alone for the first time in four years. So you tried to ignore his smiles, his cute little floof of hair, his freckles, and practically every other enticing thing about him. Despite what happened with him, you were still too trusting, so your attempt of ignoring wasn't going well. You were less naïve than before, but nonetheless still naïve. That's one of the many reasons Kokoriki felt obligated to protect you. He couldn't stop himself when he made his way to Ranaga's office. He threw open the door and stormed in, startling Ranaga out of his important thing, which was apparently taking a nap. "What do you want, idiot." Asked Ranaga groggily. Despite his smaller size, Kokoriki was a better fighter, and Ranaga knew it. Kokoriki stepped closer to him as he was in the chair. "Stop passing on your work to (y/n) just because you don't want to do it." He said flatly. Ranaga chuckled, "Why? She's so easy!" He laughed again, "She's so gullible, she'd take any excuse and still do the work." Kokoriki felt his cheeks heat up with anger, "STOP TREATING HER LIKE SHE'S A USELESS PIECE OF CRAP WHO'S ONLY PURPOSE IS TO DO YOUR WORK. SHES-" he stopped suddenly as he heard something from behind him. He turned around to see you holding back tears. You had just been running back to Ranaga's office to ask him a quick question. You had missed the first few words. All you heard was that Kokoriki had called you a useless piece of crap who's only purpose is to do other people's work. For once, that small 'what if' voice at the back of your head was right. He really didn't care after all. "(y/n) wait I-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as you dropped the folder of papers you were holding and ran away. He gave one glare to Ranaga before taking off to find you. 'oh geez. What have I done?' he thought as he ran after you. You were already far ahead of him. You had always been able to outrun him no matter how hard he trained. You had also won every game of hide-and-go-seek you two had played, even when Samon joined. 'this is going to be long' he thought as he turned another corner, calling out for you.

This was a request from Ghost_Rules. This was actually requested today. I just felt like writing so I managed to type up a 1065 word chapter a few hours after it was requested. (not to brag or anything hehehe) Anyways, I really appreciate the request and I look forward to write the next one! I hope that you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.

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