Kokoriki x mad reader (Part 2)

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A day had passed and you had yet to come into the lab. Samon sat at his desk as he reviewed the footage of last night and yesterday waiting to see you walk out of the doors. The cameras in the lab hadn't been installed yet and he didn't want to go in there. Who knows what you could be doing? As the footage caught up to the current time he figured that you must still be in the lab. He wandered how he would go check on you without going into the lab when his thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door. "Come in" he said, sitting straight in his chair. Kokoriki marched in with a few files. "Inori told me to bring these to you." He said, setting them down on his desk. Samon suddenly had an idea. It would cost him an ice cream, but not having to go into a lab with a loony was worth it. Kokoriki was about to walk out when, "Hey, Kokoriki. Come see." Curiously, he walked back to Samon's desk. "What is it Samon-san?" "Would you like an ice cream?" said Samon, surprising the pink haired guard. "U-uh-" he stuttered, not knowing if this was a trick question or not. Deciding that the prospect of ice cream was good enough he said, "Sure." Samon smirked as the first part of his plan was complete. He reached under his desk and opened the mini-freezer, pulling out a cup of strawberry ice cream. He held it out for Kokoriki to grab. Just as his hand was about to touch his, Samon pulled it back, "Can you do me a favor real quick though." Kokoriki nodded. "Can you go check on the lab in hall 9 and tell me what's happening?" Kokoriki shrugged, "Sure." Samon tossed the ice cream at Kokoriki along with a plastic spoon. "Thanks!" he said with a smile as he walked out of the office. Kojiro took a bite of the ice cream as he made his way to what he now knew was a lab. There was a lot of speculation of what was inside of the new room in building 5. Kojiro grumbled as he realized that he owed Inori five bucks. They had all placed bets on what that room would be. Inori had said that it would be a lab while Kokoriki said it would be some kind of breakroom. 'At least I have ice cream' he thought as he got to the doors. No one was allowed to even peak through the doors as it was being built. He pushed the door open slowly. The smell of sanitation greeted him as he poked his head through and looked around. The clean lab was empty except a girl sitting at one of the table doing something he couldn't see as her back was towards him. A shiver ran down his spine as he looked at her. Why was she was so foreboding? "H-hello?" asked Kokoriki, voice quiet for some reason he didn't know. "Did Samon send you?" You greeted, not turning around. Kokoriki was silent as he stared at your (h/c) hair bound in a (ponytail/ low bun) When you got no answer you set down the tools you had been working with and turned to face the intruder that had come into your lab. Your eyes scanned the guard that wouldn't (or couldn't) answer you. He had pink and white hair, his tan skin exposed by the torn white shirt he wore as a part of the usual guard uniform. 'Does he really chose wear a ripped shirt?' you asked yourself, though you didn't really mind the view. "Uh y-yes, Samon sent me." He finally managed to get out. "Okay." You said simply, going back to the device you had been fiddling with, knowing that the guard would just walk away and leave you to your work like the rest. The room was silent except for the occasional metallic sounds you made while working. "What are you working on?" Said Kokoriki after taking a bite of ice-cream. You gave him a curious look, "Since I'm not allowed to work poisons yet, I'm perusing one of my side projects." You said, not quite answering his question to see if he would ask further questions. No one had ever asked you about your work. Well, that was untrue. Many people had asked about your work, but that was for their benefit. This dude, did he ever say his name? Well he didn't seem to be anyone capable of using your research for anything. "Side projects?" He asked again taking a timid step towards the table. "Yep. It's for hair growth." "Hair growth?" He asked, shuffling a little closer. You nodded, "Some people have trouble growing hair, whether it be on their head, face, or legs." You looked at him before scooting over a seat. He took the seat uncertainly. Odd. He didn't seem to be too scared. "How does it work?" You usually don't explain your experiments to unknowing, inept, kind of cute guards, but why not? It's not like it would hurt anything. "This device activates the gel, thus accelerating growth." He let out a small 'cool' while he watched you work with the weird light fixture. It vaguely reminded him of the weird purple light thing he saw the Warden put her hand under after painting her nails. "Have you tried it on anything yet?" He asked taking another bite of his ice-cream. "A few rats and a monkey." You noticed his eyes open a little in surprise. "Not Samon. Not yet at least" You said, mumbling the last part. "I've tested it on myself and it didn't even leave any oily residue." You said proudly. Your eyes unfocused for a little bit and you giggled manically. The composition of the gel was strikingly close to that of the slow acting poisons that you had experimented with before. It was harmless until pure nitrogen is introduced. When that happens, a toxic gas that severely damages the nerves and brain is made. Boom! Brain soup! How lovely! You were taken out of your fit as you heard your name being called. You looked to your left to see the guard. "You never said your name." You said, acting like the small fit of giggles didn't happen. "Kokoriki" he said with a smile. "I saw your name on the door. (y/n), right?" You nodded and dug in the tub next to the table to pull out a tube. (That's a lot of t words) "You can try it if you want." You said with a smile. He thought about it for a second before shrugging. "Sure." You tossed the tube to him, "Just put that in your hair" He opened the tube. You had tweaked the formula to get rid of the smell. He put it and you smiled. It had been a long time since you had tried anything on a human. "This one is actually the smaller version of the original." You brought out a weird metal cap looking thing. After it had been tucked onto his head, you turned it on. "What kind of ice-cream is that?" You asked. The cap would have to be on for about a minute. "Strawberry. Want a bite?" You were taken aback by this. Between your experiments and murdering people, there wasn't much time for such pleasantries. "Sure." You took the spoon and took a bite. You smiled. It had been quite a while. You had almost forgotten how good it was. "Do you eat ice-cream often?" you asked as you handed the spoon back. He nodded, "I get in trouble for stealing Samon's treats sometimes." He said, sweat-dropping. You chuckled. Not an insane one, just a normal chuckle. "Why don't you just but your own treats then?" You asked with a curious smile. He shrugged, "He always manages to get the best ones." You then realized something. You had made a small mistake in timing. You had been working on the smaller device. Because there was less light exposure it took longer, about a minute. The large amount of light in the cap only took about thirty seconds. Leaving it on longer wouldn't damage anything, but the amount of growth could get a little.... out of hand. You scrambled the cap, felling something tip over on the counter. After you had taken it off you looked at the now long haired guard before you. His hair had grown to below his shoulders. "Whoa!" he said with a smile. You looked to the table to see that you had accidentally spilled the ice-cream. "I'm sorry about spilling that." You said sincerely for once. "Oh, it's fine." He paused as if he was thinking, "I could take you out to get some for the both of us." He offered, his tan face glowing slightly pink. You actually didn't know how to respond for a bit. "I-it's fine if you don't want to. I just thought-" "Sure." You said, interrupting his blabbering. He looked at you with a mixture of surprise and excitement. You smirked. You could get used to seeing that face. "O-okay! I'll meet you after work tomorrow?" he asked unsurely. You nodded. "See you then!" he said as he got up, almost tripping over himself. You giggled as he made his way to the door and waved as he went out. He was quite an odd one.


You sat in your lab, oddly nervous about your shift ending. You had worn a pair jeans and a nice t-shirt under your lab-coat so you wouldn't have to go home and get ready. You jumped as there was a knock at the door. You got up, setting down your tools and made your way to the door. You opened it to see Kokoriki in casual clothes. He had to get a haircut after your little stunt a few days ago so now it was back to its normal length. He offered his hand and you took it, beginning to talk about what kind of ice-cream you would get. You smiled. If you ever did end up going rampant in Namba, you would make sure not to turn his brain to mush.

(Bonus scene)

"I still don't think we should leave him alone with her." Rokuriki grumbled from behind the not-so-inconspicuous-disguise. The ice-cream parlor's doors dinged as the pair of you walked in. Youriki rolled his eyes, "I think you're just jealous that he has a date and you don't." "She's a psychopath murderer Youriki." He said, deadpanning. "She might be a psychopath, but she's a cute psychopath." 

This is the second and final part to this request! Here's the list of requests up next!

Momoko x female reader by klutz9

Elf x reader by Rakushka57let

Chimney x female reader by Aichiifox

Kiji x blind reader by NaroShinozaki8

Uno x reader by Cloudydaze04

Enki x reader by Nadia4245

Qi x reader by Smol_weirdbean

Supervisors x male reader by Rinlwiazumi4

Ido x reader x Mei by AichiiFox

Elf x reader by BessmellahEmad

Kojiro x reader by Animestolemysoul

Momoko x female reader by DaisenKokoroki

Guards x reader by Klutz9

Honey x reader by Mokina2468

Kojiro x reader x Ikkau by Queendragunena

Qi x new cellmate reader by Pinkury

Kiji x reader by Pinkury

Seitaro x wife reader by Pinkury

Requests have been closed as all of the places have been filled! I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.

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