Tsukumo x reader

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"Come on, (y/n)! Keep going" cheered Liang as you mashed the buttons on the game. You had been playing magic tiles on one of the machines in Uno's game room. Rock walked up to see what Liang was yelling about. "UNO. COME SEE SHE'S GANNA BEAT YOUR HIGH SCORE!" Yelled Rock with a smirk. "There's no way. Everyone knows that I'm the best at-" He stopped as he saw your score, only a hundred away from besting his. "NOOO. MY SCORE." He said as he tried to get to you, no doubt to mess you up. His attack was thwarted when he tripped over Upa. Samon held him down and watched you go. The tiles came faster and faster, but you kept up. The score slowly ticked up as you played, getting closer and closer to beating the high score. You mentally counted down as you went. '50....40....30....20....10...." Cell 8 (your cell) cheered as you kept going. Tsukumo watched from the back as you beat Uno's high score by almost 1000. 'figures' he thought. He had seen you training before with Samon a few times on his trips to that building. You had almost beaten him numerous times.


Inori dragged his feet as he escorted Tsukumo into building five. He glanced back to see that the pink haired ninja had stopped walking and was staring at the training field. Inori followed his line of sight and easily saw what he was staring at. "Hot right?" Inori said, elbowing Tsukumo in the side as he watched you spar with Samon. "W-what?" Inori chuckled, "That's (y/n)." "A girl?" Asked Tsukumo, cocking his head to the side. Inori nodded, "Came here a little while ago." Tsukumo hummed in response as he watched you. You were good. Really good. You had almost beaten Samon, though he managed to win in the end by landing a solid punch to your face. For a second he thought that you were seriously injured, but your shoulders shook as you laughed a bit. Samon held his hand out to pull you up and you took it, giving him a high-five after.

(End flashback)

He had been able to ask Samon to ask you to spar with him. You were hesitant, but you eventually gave in. He lost horribly, though you didn't hurt him that much. He walked away determined to get better to be able to spar with you. Samon had stopped him on his way out and offered some lessons. Tsukumo, of course, eagerly accepted them. During his lessons, he found out that you had been transferred to Namba just a few weeks ago. You had been in the female prison, but when you won in a sparing battle with one of their best guards there, they decided that it would be best to move you to Namba as it was much more secure than its newer female counterpart. He also learned that you were in the same cell as the inmates that lost to cell 13, Cell 8. Tsukumo often came back battered and bruised after his sessions with Samon, but he had set his sights on a goal. 'you've been acting your whole life' he thought as he lay sore in his bed. 'you can do one real thing for once' This fighting stuff was harder than he thought it would be. Whatever he had assumed about it was completely off. He found out that it wasn't just about strength and cool moves, but about small techniques that were hard to master. Samon didn't hold back much either, so practicing those techniques always resulted in at least slight injury. This time he had fallen and hurt his shoulder and gotten quite a few bumps and bruises. But that was three days ago. Now his bruises had faded and his shoulder, which had been injured, didn't ache. He smiled under his mask as you smirked at Uno, who glared back in return. It was easy to see what had attracted him in the first place. The fire you had burned bright. Anyone could see it if they glanced in your direction. Tsukumo could see it in your eyes, in the way you moved, and you over all unwillingness to give up. Nothing about you was fake. That's another thing that got him. You were the opposite of him in that sense. He didn't know how to be himself and you didn't know how to be anything but yourself. "All right that's enough. Play time is over." A chorus of 'awwws' sounded after. Hajime raised his hand as a threat and everyone quickly complied. You walked right past him as you laughed with Liang. He didn't know what he was doing until he had done it. You turned around to see who had grabbed your arm to see a shocked looking Tsukumo. You cocked your head to the side in question. "I-I" 'come on Tsukumo' "Great job on beating Uno." He said hastily. You smiled, "Thanks!" And with that, he let go of your arm and you walked away. He sighed and mentally slapped himself. Why couldn't he just talk to you? He was used to talking to his fangirls so why couldn't he just- "Oi, inmate 99, let's go." Said Hajime, ripping him out of his thoughts. "Coming." He said, beginning to walk out of the room. He had another training session with Samon tomorrow so he would have to get some rest.


Inori was once again escorting Tsukumo to building 5's courtyard. He prepared himself for another day of training when, "Hey, you." He looked around to see a group of three inmates. "Me?" He asked. The one in the middle, "Yes, you idiot." Tsukumo looked around for anyone, but Samon wasn't there and Inori was asleep. "Seen you making googly eyes at (y/n)" The one in the middle stepped closer and the rest followed. He took a step back and raised his hands. "I don't want any trouble." This didn't stop three inmates from taking a few more steps forward. Tsukumo started thinking of ways he could get out of this. He could run, but Samon wasn't there and Inori was asleep, so there would be no safe haven to go to. He could try to talk his way out, but that didn't seem to be getting anywhere. The only other thing he could think of would be to fight, but there was no way that he could take on three guys at one time. The group started advancing. 'I'm screwed.' He thought. That was until someone socked the one on the right in the face. You looked up from the inmate to Tsukumo to see if he was going to stay and fight. He got into the fighting stance and you nodded. The one in the middle looked outraged and charged at you while the one on the left charged at Tsukumo. You easily took down the one that charged at you with a swift knock behind the knees, causing him to fall backwards and hit his head. You were about to go help Tsukumo but saw that he was handling it quite well. Though it took a little while, he managed to take him down. "Hey, what happened?" asked Samon. "These three inmates were going to fight Tsukumo, so I stepped in." "Why were they about to fight him? Did they say anything?" Asked Samon. "They said 'Seen you making googly eyes at (y/n)'" Said Tsukumo with a slightly red face. Samon suddenly turned to you, "SEE! I TOLD YOU." Now it was your face that was red. "Shut up Samon." "Told you what?" "N-nothing" Samon rolled his eyes, "I have to go report this. Be right back." He said, walking away. "Thanks for stepping in." "No problem. You've improved since the last time we fought." Tsukumo smiled, "Thanks. I've been practicing with Samon." You chuckled, "I can tell." You were interrupted by Samon yelling from the doors of the courtyard, "(Y/N) I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WORK THE COFFEE MACHINE." You sighed, "I should probably go help him. He's good at fighting but last time he tried to work the coffee machine by himself it broke." "Oh. Okay." "See you soon!" you said, walking away. You stopped to think for a second before turning around and walking back to him. You gave him a quick hiss on his cheek. With that you walked away briskly, leaving him with a dumb smile on his face.

This was a request by AichiiFox. Next Upa is klutz9's request of a Samon x chubby reader. In case you were wondering, here is a list of all of the requests in the order that they'll be done:

Samon x chubby reader by klutz9

Kojiro x reader by AichiiFox

Antagonists x reader by AichiiFox

Guards x reader by AichiiFox

Cell 13 x baby reader by bby_nico

Honey x reader x Trois by ZenitZero

If you have a request, please let me know either in the comments or by sending me a private message. I hope that you all have been staying safe throughout this global pandemic. I'm not going to tell you the same thing that's been said over and over because I'm sure you've heard it over and over. (stay 6 ft, wash your hands, blah blah blah) I'm just going to say that It's going to get better. I'm in Louisiana, so the next two weeks are going to be the worse yet. Both of my parents are essential workers, one of them being an OB nurse and working in a hospital, so I have a big chance of getting exposed. But we have to look on the bright side in times like these. I'm an introvert so I very rarely go out, but I know there are some people dying to go out and do stuff. Thank you for staying in for the greater good! Hang in there guys, though it may not look like it now, we're going to get through this. I hope that you've enjoyed this and see you in the next chapter! So YEET.

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