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(Don't mind the people in the back of this gif, this is how Alexis looks right now

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(Don't mind the people in the back of this gif, this is how Alexis looks right now.)

"Hello? I-I need to speak to you! Please. It's about my father!" Alexis didn't want to be anywhere near this man. She was afraid she would cause trouble for him.

Alexis had let cold sweat run down her forehead as she fiddled with her gloves. She didn't want to be here any longer than she needed to be. As she looked around, she heard a this and turned around behind her to see nothing but white orbs staring back at her.

She knew it was him. She knew it was the Dark Knight. She quickly exhaled before she began to spoke;

"Um..my name is Alexis Wi-"

"I know who you are. What can I do for you?" He asked in a deep voice that sent a shiver through her whole body. She began to breath low but heavily as she continued.

"My father went missing a year ago, it was the day before my birthday. I went to the police to see if they could help me, but they're not doing anything to help. So..I wanted to-to come to you instead." She explained as she went into her pocket and pulled out the picture of her dad and herself when she was six years old.

"This is him." She said as she handed him the photo. He slowly took the picture before analyzing it himself.

"Has your father ever been in any trouble with someone? A gang? Maybe gambled before?"

"What? No! No, my father hates stuff like that. He won't even allow it in our home!" She said, feeling a little taken back by the question.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm positive. I know my father better than you think I do." She said while slightly glaring.

"...I'll look in to it. For now, just try to remain calm and let me figure it out." He said as Alexis squinted her eyes.

"Remain calm? Remain calm?! I can't calm down! I've been stressing about my father's disappearance for 5 months! I don't eat, I can't sleep at night! I've been calm since the police told me to and I can't remain calm anymore! I just.." Alexis exhaled shakily before tears began to fall from her eyes.

She looked down at the ground and gasped softly when she saw that she had made a spiky snowflake around her feet and they were starting to rise like icicles.

"You're a..metahuman?" He asked as she looked back up at him.

"I'm not sure. Whatever it is, it's getting stronger. My dad was the only person who could help me control it. But since he went missing.." She trailed off, looking down at her hands.

"There might be some people who can help you. It's your choice to accept." He said as Alexis furrowed her eyebrows.


"I think you might know who." Alexis thought it over carefully before her eyes went wide.

"No way..there is no way I'm joining those ex-sidekicks! Bad enough I had a grudge with one of them, but to join a group of them! No way!" Alexis said as she crossed her eyes and looked away.

It was true, she indeed had a feud. With one called Nightwing, who before was Robin. She always hated him ever since the day she saved his life. She never knew why he had been so rude to her, but she didn't care. She had seen his true colors that day.

"Well, in case you change your mind.." He said as he handed her a communicator. She looked at him before squinting her eyes and hesitantly taking it.

"Thanks." She was waiting for a reply, but just like that, he was gone. She shook her head, not understanding how he does the whole disappearing thing, before she walked out of the dark abandoned building and towards her home.

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