Grey // Prologue

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Early Spring

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Early Spring.

Billie really enjoyed working at her mother's flower shop. Ever since she was little back in California she'd insist on helping out as much as she could, even if it was a task as small as sweeping up discarded leaves and buds from the tiled floors. Flowers were her best friend, her favorite thing on earth.

There was a specific thing that Billie loved most about the shop, and that was it's smell. Natural perfumes that sunk deep into the walls, an intoxicating scent that contaminated the air in the best way.

The wind chimes by the door started to make noise, so Billie made her way out of the back, shutting the floral cooler and wiping her hands on her baggy shirt. A girl was waiting at the front desk, her eyes on her phone.

"How can I help you?" Billie asked. When the girl looked up, Billie almost stumbled back. The girl had magnet gray eyes. Sure, she'd seen pale blues and greens- but never such a deep, obvious gray.

"Hey. I need like...a dozen roses? In like..the paper." She spoke, an English accent tainting her words. Billie nodded and made her way into the storage area, picking out twelve ready roses and wrapping them up. She stapled the small packet of flower food to the corner of the paper.

She cleared her throat, announced the price, and then handed back the receipt and change. The girl left with nothing more than a "Thank you", leaving Billie flushed, gripping onto the counter and hoping- praying that she'd get to see that girl again.

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