Chapter Three

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"Laurie!? What are you doing here!!" I say in shock as I leap off the sofa and grab my phone

"Oh yeah go on. Call the police because I'm having a talk with you." He scoffs

"You've broken into my house Laurie! You're aware that's a crime right?"

"Well of course it is, but I think you know by now I don't care. Rape, GBH, breaking and entering, they're all crimes. But didn't stop me."

I'm crawling within my skin. He makes me feel sick. How careless he is that he's shattered someone's heart, someone's trust, someone's life and dreams. He couldn't give a damn. He's soulless.

"I suggest you get out before Brody gets back." I run towards the door just as he slams his hand onto it

"Why are you with someone so weak? So pathetic?" he says, his voice ringing through my ears, making me feel weak, I'm cowering under his presence. Dad would be ashamed. When wasn't he though in me?

"Brody is none of those things. The only person I'm with who's pathetic is you. Now get out of my way, I'm going back to my boyfriend." I push him away and go to open the door when he says something that sends chills through me

"Don't worry about him. I've taken care of it."

"What do you mean? What have you done to him!" I run at him and he grabs my wrists

"You didn't take back the allegations. I warned you. I warned you what would happen if you didn't."

"They're not allegations. It's the truth! You've harassed me for months! And if you've so much as laid a finger on him I'll kill you."

"You haven't got it in you. Not when I'm around. When I'm near you, you cower away, you shrivel up and become a completely different person, all mousey and pathetic." He laughs in my face

"Not anymore." I say, finally, finally standing up for myself

"Why are you playing so hard to get? You could have me right now. The bedrooms feet away sienna. Stop fighting your feelings."

"I don't have any feelings towards you apart from bitter hatred now what have you done with him!" I yell at him

"He's right here" He laugh as he grabs my waist and goes to kiss me

"Get off of me!" I yell at him shoving him away

"Right that's it. I've tried playing nice. Now listen to me, you're going to go to the police and you're going to take back those allegations do you hear me!" He shouts at me, grabbing my wrist so hard I wince silently

"Nobody tells sienna Blake what to do." I look at him with anger in my red, although I'm feeling fear deep inside.

All of a sudden, seconds after me refusing, he pushes me to the floor and yells at me

"You're gonna get what's coming to you, you lying bitch!"

I go to stand up when suddenly Brody rushes in. And so many emotions overcome me. The fact that he's okay, and the fact he's saved me.

"Sienna! Are you okay?" Laurie says, immediately helping me up but still even while doing this he manages to grab my waist.

"What the hell is going on in here! And why have you got your unwanted hands all over MY girl" he snarls at Laurie as he looks at him with what may aswell be actual fire in his eyes, I'm guessing it works because

"Oh it's not what you think brody. She went after me" he lies

"Oh really? Because when I left here sienna was asleep. And I've only been gone ten minutes. So I'm sure she didn't bring you back here. Not only that but the doors been bust open. So here's a suggestion, if you go anywhere near my sienna again, I'll make sure that you never see daylight again, do you hear me."

He looks at Brody before rolling his eyes and walking out. "See you on Monday" he says as he turns round, giving me a wink and a smirk

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Brody asks me, his face softens when he sees my tears, and he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a soft and beautiful hug

"I'll never let him hurt you, you're okay..." He whispers in my ear, comforting me and letting me cry in his arms.

"I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come saved me" I tell him as we sit down

"You saved yourself sienna, you would've shoved him off I know you would. You're strong enough to fight."

"I didn't feel it though Brody. In his presence I feel like I shrink and become a shadow of who I can be. I just wanted to run. Every part of me wanted to hit him with the nearest object and run."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because I've never felt fear like this before..." my voice trails off and I'm left silent, the tears keep on coming at the thought of what would've happened.

"Hey it's okay, I'm here now."

But he won't be for much longer. Because I need justice. And I have a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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