Chapter 1: Crazy

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Chapter 1: Crazy

I'm not crazy.

Nor am I insane.

Such derogatory terms.

And yet here they were. Staring at me. As if I am. As if I was. Crazy. Insane.

It's funny, really, what rumors can do.

What rumors can create, build, and destory.

The students parted like people in a parade, wonderful, magical monuments passing through the cheerful, joyous crowd. And if I wanted to get biblical here, I was like Moses to the Red Sea. Only that they weren't cheerful, weren't joyous. Just afraid. Skeptical. Curious.

If I had to be honest, I wasn't quite happy with all the unintentional attention.

I'm supposed to be invisible, unnoticed. I'm supposed to be that character in the background, unimportant, just there, like everyone else. A nerd with the facination of books.

The average nerd with glasses, with good grades, with a tied bun, with books. Lots of books.

Anyways, it was the first day of school and this was what I was welcomed back with.

"Seriously, Pen? You really don't know why they're acting that way towards you?"

I had just recently sat down with my only two friends, took out my assortment of things to eat, and asked her why people where acting so strange to me in the hallways.

Alleny Kensington. She always does that. Asks me questions I don't know. Especially the ones I asked first. And if I waited too long, she'd answer for me. Or try to subtlety explain and give me hints.

"You remember what you did last school year, right?" Alleny continued, "You know? With my ex?"

I looked up from my meal and blinked at her. The first thing I noticed was her royal golden hair that laid lazily past her shoulders in calm, soothing waves. And then I looked at her brown, chocolate eyes. She was pretty. Like ceramic dolls, but not the creepy kind. Just pretty.

I then I stared at her food. And then my other friend's food. Thinking.

Wow, their lunch looked so delicious. Benefits from being insanely wealthy, I presume. I only have what I've found at home: two turkey sandwiches, chips, brownies, cookies, beef jerky, string cheese, leftover pizza, an apple, granola bar, yogurt, and water.

All forced into my lunchbox.

My friends, on the other hand, brought steak. Yes, steak. And expensive looking streak, at that. So very expensive.

There's even a piece of edible gold on the side.

Too bad they're so greedy with their food, just as I am with mine. I'm suprised they were able to keep their lunch in perfect condition, all cramped up in their backpack which was littered with gold and precious jewels.

"Yes?" I finally said, "I think I do."

Alleny's ex. What's his name again?

"You do know that as a result of what you did last school year, everyone is well," Alleny motioned her hand around with a flick of her wrist, and I suddenly see everyone taking glimpses at me with the same expression as the one's in the hallway, "yeah, scared of you, right?"

"What did I do again?"

I heard a snort and I turned my head towards June Fitzgerald, interested in her input.

"Oh, I don't know, Pen," she lazily waved her fork around and her crystal blue eyes sparkled, reminicsing, "You kicked him in the balls, slammed his head a couple times against a locker and then on the ground, kicked him several times in the stomach, and then proceeded to break each of his fingers." June nodded her head, her long straight black hair following the movement, "Yeesh. Damn bastard got what he deserved, though."

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