Chapter 9: Party Found

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Chapter 9: Party Found


You'd expect them to be wild, crazy, and chaotic. Inappropriate things would be happening here and there and people would be injecting and ingesting drugs into themselves to let loose. A means to escape reality or to simply have fun. There would be loud, obscene music playing that could be heard miles and miles away and you'd see drunk teenagers doing things they'd regret the next morning. A party is where mistakes happen, where bad decisions are made.

At least, that's what I've read in books.

"Kristoff Gallinger," Audrey said before she sneaked out through the front door. With my help, of course.

You see, my floors are made up of wooden tiles. Very creaky tiles. One wrong step and you might as well wake up the entire neighborhood. Mother never bothered to get rid of those high pitch noises that emits from the slightest pressure in the tiles because it supposedly functions as a "Penny-Proof" floor. Floors meant to act as an alarm when I started sleepwalking when I was younger and my occasional visits to my neighbor's backyard. I've stop doing those, though. The sleepwalking, I mean. She couldn't really do anything to stop me when she's at work, though.

I've went through weeks maneuvering my way across the floor alarms, marking each safe area to step on with a permanent marker. My mother hasn't noticed it yet.

Anyways, I was just thrilled when Audrey had finally given me a name of her past enemies. Sure, she didn't give me any reasons why she disliked him but details aren't important and you know what they say, 'Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer.' By that logic, Kristoff must know a lot about Audrey's highschool past activities. Not only that, he'd be less reluctant in telling me.

Not that I'd ask him about Audrey because that's just wrong. Asking for someone's personal life without them knowing? Just plain wrong.

Just to get this out there, Audrey actually suggested on using my bedroom window which was silly because that's my secret sneak out and no one else can use it but moi. One may ask, "Well, what was the point of marking the wooden floor to make your quiet escape when you could have used the window?" Well, you see, I forgot I had one. Can't help that it's always covered by my curtains. And behind my drawer.

But, you know, if it weren't for me, she would have been stuck under my window if we went along with her idea, anyways. Her butt would be dangling halfway through and her torso would be held down by a sheet of paneled glass. Heavy paneled glass, I may add.

My mother would have walked in and say, "Penn-" I mean, "Audrey? Why are you stuck in the window?"

And then Audrey would have shrugged and said, "I don't know."

Then my mother would've given her a dead-eyed look and Audrey would groan. "I thought going through my window would be faster, but I didn't take the size of my backpack into account. " My mother would've tapped her feet impatiently, waiting for her to say something next and Audrey would roll her eyes, "And I thought it'd make me look cool."

Then my mother would've sighed, shook her head and said, "No. No it wouldn't," and proceed to call whoever can remove a window because the window would be way too fixated on not moving and squeezing my--her insides out.

Has this ever happened to me before? Pft. No. Of course not. But if it did, then she would have expected that I'd never try that stunt again. Hypothetically, she would have been wrong.

Anyways, I quickly went and searched up Kristoff Gallinger on my phone as soon as I had quietly sneaked back into my room.

Kristoff Gallinger in Elenor. He has an account on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and other social media platforms that teenagers use nowadays. I looked through his stories and posts on every platform he has and...

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