The Party pt. 1 [M]

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Monty's POV

My dad was on a rampage. "Worthless piece of shit criminal!" he drunkenly yelled at me. At this point, his words didn't hurt me anymore, they only made me angry. I had to get out of the house before I really lost it. Texting Bryce my dilemma, he told me to meet him at a party.

I looked around my room wondering if I should take anything. Realizing there was nothing for me to even take, I settled for just bringing my phone. My dad yelled one last insult towards me as I left through the front door, which I ignored. I guess it would've been a smart idea if I had taken my car to the party, but a walk sounded like a good way to clear my head.

It took me a while to get to the house by foot, so my feet were sore once I got there. From where I stood in front of the house, I texted Bryce of my arrival. While waiting for him to come to me, I scanned the gigantic house in front of me. Damn this person was rich.

"Hey man!" Bryce was jogging towards me with a smile on his face. "Hey dude," I responded. Bryce clapped my back saying "I'm glad we get to hang out," and I voiced my agreement. Even though Bryce was "so glad" to hang with me, it didn't take but a second for him to ditch me. "I don't know anyone here!" I called after him. "So you'll meet people!" he shouted back.

I felt awkward with myself standing above the stairs to the house entrance. After a few seconds I started walking into the house because I was looking even more awkward just standing there. As I was doing so, I felt eyes on me.

I turned my own to the source. My eyes met those of a boy. He was standing casually, hanging over a ledge, drink in hand. His eyes followed mine as I continued walking. I made it past the door before I came to my senses. Why did I look back at him? Why didn't I look away? That was so fucking gay.

Winston's POV

Holy fuck that guy was hot. I love seeing a new face.

Monty's POV

I walked around the bottom floor looking around. I was already on my fourth beer, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. Promptly deciding that I needed to use the restroom, I climbed up the big ass staircase to find one. I was met with a long hallway of large, dark brown, wooden doors. This was gonna take a while.

Going down the hallway, I started throwing doors open trying to find what I was looking for. After trying four doors without finding one, I was getting thoroughly annoyed. I exclaimed, "Where's the fucking bathroom!" as I neared the only door that was open.

I gently nudged the cracked door wider to meet the same brown eyes that had captured mine earlier. He was laying on the floor with a stack of records next to him. "Not the bathroom friend. And don't piss on the bed, rumor has it Purcell isn't much into that," the boy said humorously. I lightly chuckled at his words even though I had no fucking idea who Purcell was.

Following suit from our earlier interaction, if you could even call it that, we started to stare at each other. That's when he got up from his position and walked around me towards the door, making sure to not break our eye contact. The boy locked the door and turned back to face me. At this point I had no idea what the hell was going on, and I'm sure it showed.

Why was I still looking at him? Why am I not moving? My head was about to explode. The brown haired boy kept moving closer to me. Why am I letting this happen? I'm not gay! He gently grasped the sides of my arms moving in even closer. I'm not gay. His lips met mine only briefly before I pulled him back harshly by his shirt. This isn't right. My right hand had already balled into a fist, ready to be used. My breathing was becoming ragged. Fuck. Why were his lips so soft? Jesus that's gay.

Winstons POV

Fuck. He's gonna punch me now. I should say something.

Monty's POV

"Easy," the boy breathed out. His hands were running along my arms and shoulder blades, trying to calm me. I'm not gay. I'm not letting this happen. I should punch him... but I don't want to. Shit his eyes are pretty.

Fuck it.

I smashed my lips against his, catching him off guard. I didn't care if it hurt I just needed to feel him. I grasped the back of his neck to bring him even closer. His lips moved against mine, and holy shit it felt good. The kiss was harsh and rushed but I didn't give a fuck. After only a few seconds, I pushed the boy to his knees.

I couldn't think straight anymore, so I chose not to think at all. Undoing my belt and pulling down my jeans and boxers, I noticed the boy smiling. Fuck he was beautiful. Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuck. If I moaned, then that would be gay. Trying not to moan while he sucked me off was proving to be really hard though. He's a faggot. I'm not. End of story.


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