Extra 2: Jealousy

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Monty was itching to see Winston again.

M: hey

W: what's up

M: where are you

W: uhh the mall..

W: why?

M: i'm coming

W: cool. i'm at h&m

Monty got into his car and sped to the mall. He hadn't really gone before, so once he got there he had no idea where to find this "h&m". There was also no parking anywhere. As Monty drove around looking for a spot, he noticed Winston's electric blue car. He smirked to himself. That car is ridiculously bougie.

As he walked into the mall, Monty was shocked to see the amount of people. He saw a group of girls around his age approaching him and took the opportunity. "Uhh," He now had the girls' attention as they looked his way. "Do you guys know where I can find an H&M?" One of the girls enthusiastically responded. "For sure! You just go straight down there, make a right, go up the escalator, and you'll be right there! It's huge, you won't miss it!"

"Thanks," Monty mumbled back. He made his way as fast as he could so he wouldn't miss Winston. The girl was right, H&M was huge.

That's when he spotted Winston. His heart started to beat faster. Winston was standing outside H&M looking impeccable. Monty frowned when he realized Winston wasn't alone. He was talking to some dude. He was taller than Monty and had a really unique style. Monty looked down at his poorly fitted jeans and flannel shirt starting to feel self conscious.

Getting over himself, he determinedly walked up to Winston and stood beside him. "He- " Winston couldn't even get out a word. "Who the fuck are you?" Monty asked the guy. "Woah, ok. I'm a friend of Winston's. Who are you?" Monty didn't like his tone of voice. "I'm the guy who Winston fucks," Monty said, claiming Winston as his own. The friend raised his eyebrows at Winston, who responded with a shrug. "I guess I'll see you around Winston."

"Yeah," Winston replied. That's when Winston turned to Monty. "What was that?" he asked. "I don't like other guys talking to you," Monty replied agitated. Winston smiled. "You are so cute when you're jealous." Monty glared at him. "Who was that anyway?" Monty asked. "A guy who does yearbook with me. Who is straight," Winston emphasized.

Monty refused to show the relief that washed over him. "Just so you know, I will fuck up anyone who touches you that isn't me." Winston smiled wider. "Probably wouldn't be wise of you," he replied. Monty dramatically sighed. "I guess you're right..." They made eye contact and both started laughing. "No but seriously, you being protective is super hot." Now it was Monty's turn to smile. "Oh really. I guess I'll have to be protective of you all the time then."

"Sounds like a plan," Winston said. They were both smiling like idiots. "You know what's also a plan? Us finding you other things to wear besides flannel." Monty faked being offended and put a hand to his chest. "My flannel? What's wrong with my flannel?" "You look like a lumberjack," Winston said laughing. Monty gasped. "How could you ever insult such fashion?" He said, gesturing to himself. Winston grabbed Monty's hand. "Come on, dumbass. Lets go shopping."

A/N: Monty, ur gay is showing

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