Extra 4: Distraction

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"This homework is kicking my ass," Winston groaned. "Maybe I can help," Monty whispered, coming up behind Winston. Winston smiled up at Monty over his shoulder. "I don't know if you can," Winston said. Monty glanced at the complex display of graphs on Winston's worksheet and laughed a bit. "Yeah I don't know what the fuck that is."

Winston turned back around to focus on his work while Monty admired the back of his neck. It looked so soft. Monty reached out to touch the nape of Winston's neck and started playing with his hair. Winston didn't object, letting himself relax under Monty's soft touch. Then Monty leaned down to trail kisses where his finger had traced. Winston's mouth parted at the sensation. "Monty-" Winston breathed out. "Hmm?" Monty hummed against Winston's neck. "I have to focus."

Monty took that as a chance to kiss Winston's neck more aggressively. "Monty," Winston moaned out. The sounds Winston were making only made Monty more hungry. Winston got up from the kitchen chair he was sitting in and turned so that he was facing Monty. He pulled Monty's head up so that their lips could meet. "Now you've got me horny," Winston said against Monty's lips. "That was the point", Monty replied, moving his focus back on Winston's neck. Monty quickly found his sweet spot and bit down. Winston cried out. "Ok that's it. Bedroom. Now." Monty smirked at him. "What about your homework?" "Oh fuck you."

"Nah," Monty started. "I'm gonna fuck you." Winston laughed, clutching Monty's shoulders. "That made no sense." "Seriously? That made perfect sense," Monty countered. Winston smiled and left a lingering kiss on Monty's lips. The two slowly made their way to Winston's room, stripping their clothes on the way. "You have no idea how fucking cute you look when you're trying to focus," Monty said suddenly. "Oh really?" Winston teased. "Yeah. Your face gets all serious and then sometimes you look all confused and—" Winston cut Monty off by pushing him onto the bed.

"I love you," Winston whispered. Monty smiled the most genuine smile Winston had ever seen. No one had ever told Monty that they loved him, and Monty had never loved anyone so deeply. Monty kissed Winston with everything he could. "I love you too."

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