Extra 1: Slow

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A/N: changing persons cuz writing povs is a pain

Monty grabbed Winston's waist earning a surprised noise from the boy. Monty spun Winston around so that his lips could make contact with his. Monty devoured him. Running them both into a wall, Monty continued his harsh attack on Winston's soft lips. "Mmm," Winston hummed and gently pushed Monty away.

"What?" Monty questioned, his face full of innocence. "Slower," Winston whispered while smiling back into the kiss. Monty wasn't used to slow. He liked everything to be rough. Did he really though? It was all he'd known.

Monty mimicked Winston's movements and slowed his pace. It felt good. Monty could drown in the feeling. Winston wrapped his arms around Monty's neck while Monty wove his fingers into the hair at the nape of Winston's neck. Both of their mouths opened at the same time allowing each other access.

After some time, Winston pulled away again for air smiling brightly at Monty. "See? Slow is good." Monty collapsed his head onto Winston's right shoulder. Winston chuckled at how sweet Monty was being. "We should take a nap," Winston said suddenly. Monty jolted upright and started running up the stairs. "I call big spoon!" Winston laughed, enjoying Monty finally opening up to him. "Jokes on you! I actually prefer being little spoon anyway," Winston yelled up the stairs. "I'm already sleeping!" Monty yelled back.

Winston shook his head as he reached his room. Monty was already sprawled out on his bed. "Come here," Monty ordered with his arms out. "Sounds enticing, but I'll just nap in this chair," Winston said as he pulled out his desk chair. He loved messing with Monty. "You're just upset that I get to be big spoon."
"Not true." "Fine, then get in bed with me." "Fine." "Fine." Winston fell back next to Monty and enjoyed the feeling of Monty's arms as they wrapped around him.

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