Extra 3: You. Us.

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Winston and Monty started walking out of Monet's. "That place is hippie as shit," Monty remarked. "I still can't believe you've never been," Winston said in disbelief. "Coffee was never my main concern," Monty replied. "Well it's one now," Winston said smiling.

Winston looked across to Monty and adjusted his scarf. The two walked in a comfortable silence until a sharp voice cut through the air. "Fags!" Both turned around to see a group of four high school boys laughing. Monty was normally confrontational, looking for fights. But right now he was panicking, and at the worst possible moment. Suddenly everything came rushing back. He remembered all his insecurities and fear that caused him to hide. Monty used to call other people that word, but he had never heard it directed towards him by peers. Not knowing what to do, Monty looked towards Winston. Winston looked surprisingly unfazed, annoyed even.

Monty immediately felt more confident upon seeing his reaction. He was about to yell something back to the group when Winston's soft voice washed over him. "It's ok Monty, let's go." He sounded so sure. Monty nodded and turned back around, starting to walk away. "Running away? Little faggots." Big mistake. Winston rolled his eyes, but kept walking. However, Monty's fear had dissolved. Now it was replaced with anger. Anger that felt dangerously familiar. "You know," Monty started slowly turning around, "I was about to let it go." With that, Monty charged at one of the guys, grabbed his shirt, and punched him hard in the jaw.

Chaos ensued. It looked messy, but really it was just Monty destroying four guys with one fist. Winston stood to the side, occasionally giving Monty a half assed "Stop" or "It's fine, Monty". When Monty was done, he walked over to Winston and flashed him a smile while wrapping an arm around his waist. They started to walk away from the scene.

The guy who originally started the drama coughed. "You're just gonna leave us here?" Now it was Winston's turn to talk. "Guess you chose the wrong fags to mess with." "Fucking psychos," one of the four mumbled. Winston shook his head and grabbed Monty's uninjured hand. "You ok?" Winston asked. Monty nodded. "That was oddly freeing. The other times I've fought were all meaningless. This time I felt like I was fighting for something good," Monty said. "Oh yeah? Like what," Winston asked with a smile. Monty made eye contact with Winston. "You. Us."

Winston's face heated with a deep blush. He looked away so Monty wouldn't notice. "Let's go get you some ice." Monty glanced over at  Winston and took notice of his pink cheeks. He smiled to himself before turning his eyes back in front of him. "Okay."

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