Chapter 12.

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      Four  Years Ago.

  I was walking down the stairs and carrying my books when I saw flowers at my front. I look up and saw Chase.

"Hey....." I said and I collected it.

"Hey Liz. How's school?" He asked. I smile. He wrapped his hands round my shoulders and I blushed as we continued walking down the stairs.

"Good, yours?" I asked him.

"Cool. Uhmmm, Chen is throwing a party!! Are you coming?" He asked me.

"Yeah I would!!" I replied. He smile and carried my books for me.

"That's good." He said and I smiled.

"Hey love dovey's!!" I heard Cinnamon's voice. Chase and I turned to see Cinnamon.

"Hey Ci!!" I said.

"Hey dummy, can I borrow my bitch for a minute?" Cinnamon asked. Chase nod.

"Yeah..... She...... She's all yours!!" Chase said and pull away.

"I'll see you later." I told him. He nodded and gave me my books.

"Not even a peck?" I asked him. He blushed and pecked me.... On the lips. I blushed and he left. I turn to look at Cinnamon.

"What a loser!!" She spat.


"Come on, I have something amazing to tell you!!"


"You want me to help you to watch this plant? Nooo!!" I said.

"It'll be fun!!" Cinnamon said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Destroying it ..... Mou ha ha ha ha!! That's for giving me detention with Santa!!" She said. Santa, freshman's freak.

"Well this will give you more detention!! How could he even trust you to....."

"Easy, I helped in poetry class and helped the janitor in cleaning the halls. And.... I stuffed dirt in Cherry's locker, but it's a secret okay? So back to my story, I told Hydra I had turn to a new leaf and that I would love to help in any duty and he gave me..... THE ROSE DUTY!!" She cheered.

"Cinnamon, that's....."

"COOL!! I KNOW!!" She said. I looked at her. She scoffed.

"Fine, just put a little drop on the plant, I have to uhmm, play mascot!!" She said. I raised my eyebrows.

"Cherry is making a video and if I'm mascot, I will make her fall when she's at the top." She said.


"I adore you bitch!!" She said and ran.

"Cinna.... Urgh!!" I groaned and I opened the bottle and poured a little in the plant and poured water on it. I smile.

"Awwn!! Look at it grow." I said. I turned and started reading my book.

  Ten minutes later.

"Hey bitch!!" Cinnamon said and removed the mascot big head showing her sweaty face.

"So did you achieve your goal?" I asked her.

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