1 - Meeting The New Girl

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Emma's POV

I can't stay here any more. My life isn't even mine to live. My parents use me to live out there lives that they never had, using guilt to force me to go to university, any flicker of freedom is quickly stamped out.

I clutch nervously to my passport as I make my way through Sydney International Airport. I pray that I will be past security before my family find me. I had left a note on the kitchen bench explaining my choice but just as I was about to open the front door my mum walked in. I don't think she saw me but she definitely heard the loud bang as I slammed the car door shut in my attempt to hurry.

"I am sorry to have to say it like this but I won't let you control me anymore. I am leaving and since I'm 18 you can't stop me. Do not look for me because I will just keep running." I hastily scrawl on an old envelope. I don't care about writing my feelings, all they need to know is to never look for me.

I scan the crowd for any familiar faces. Relief washes over me as I am finally called to the security officers booth.

-- 3 hours later --

"Flight 190 to London is now boarding seats 12 to 24"

I grab my satchel and board the plane. I'll admit, there is a lump in my throat, guilt about how I had left my family. No doubt my mother will take her anger out on my younger sisters, Rachael and Kristie, but the way I was treated throughout my life, like I was an unwanted extra child, I hope it will make them realise the trauma it put me through.

I stow away my bag, take my seat and wait for my new life in London to begin. I close my eyes and dream of the adventures I will have.

--In London--

I wake as we began descending into Heathrow Airport. I had secretly organised an apartment to stay in months before I actually left. I phoned ahead a week before have a key ready for me to go straight up instead of paying for a hotel room.

I wait for my giant red and white spotted suitcase at baggage claim and wish I had called ahead to organise a hire car to get straight to the apartment.

I wait in line for a taxi. I feel relief when a group of backpackers offer to share a taxi as we are heading in the same direction.

Plugging in my headphones I listen to Panic! At The Disco's This Is Gospel on repeat the entire trip, I have no intention of talking to these people, I am far too tired even though I slept the entire flight.

--At the apartment--

 I struggle to carry my suitcase up the stairs. It is night and I try to be quiet, I don't need to be hated by every other tenant on the day I first get here.

"Here let me help you with that" a melodic British voice says as my suitcase is taken from my hand.

I turn to see two men with side fringes smiling at me. The one behind has black hair swept to the left, blue eyes and wearing a purple shirt with an evil looking face. The other has brown hair swept in the same style as the other one but in the opposite direction. He has brown eyes and wears a button up shirt with moths on it. He is the one who now has hold of my suitcase.

Dan's POV (Happens at the same time as Emma's POV)

There wass a rumor going around our apartment block for a few months that a new tenant was moving into the flat across from me and Phil. The landlord said it was an Australian girl.

I can't help but imagine a tanned outback kind of girl with long brown hair and a thick Australian accent. She will be here tomorrow.

"And here's Dan in the internet position" says Phil, pulling me from my train of thought.

"Is this the 'Day In The Life' video" I ask, hoping to return my thoughts back to reality. Phil nods and leaves to continue getting ready for our day out.

I trudge to my room, my mind still on the new tenant. All of the other tenants are people in their mid-thirties and have office jobs. It would be nice to have someone closer to mine and Phil's age for once.

I mindlessly dress in my moth button up shirt, skinny jeans and black converse, slipping my leather jacket over the top for aesthetic. My mind turns to my phone, I had texted Chris and PJ asking to hang out today but so far they haven't replied.

Phil and I take the tube hoping to find some ethnically ambiguous restaurant while we are out. We settle for a japanese/chinese style retaurant.

I lose myself in the menu as my thoughts return to the new tenant. She hasn't even moved in yet but I know I want to meet her so badly. I haven't had a girlfriend in years and lately I've begun feeling sad that there isn't a girl next to me in bed that I can cuddle and talk to, or take on dates, or spoil with gifts.

I snap back to reality when a short Asian girl arrives to take our orders. She leaves and Phil asks if I am alright because I had apparently begun staring at an old woman for 5 minutes who quickly left the building.

The rest of the day becomes a blur. We meet up with Chris at a traditional English pub and for once today I am able to focus on the conversation we are having.

"So we should get together for another 'I Can't Even' video. I got so many views and at least another 1000 subscribers."

"Yeah definitely." Phil and I say in unison. "We're the twins from 'The Shining'".

We all break into laughter, half in actual amusement, half in a slightly intoxicated state of the giggles.

We bid goodbye to Chris and make our way to the apartment.

Halfway up the stairs we see a girl struggling with her suitcase. Being a gentleman I grab her bag.

"Here let me help you with that." I says as she turns to look at me and Phil. She probably thought I was trying to steal her bag.

"Th-thank you." she stutters so quietly it is almost inaudible.

"I'm Dan, and he is Phil" I say pointing behind me with my free hand.

"Emma" is all she says, still quietly but I can clearly hear her now. This is the new tenant.

She has a strong Australian accent but she is nothing like I imagined her. She has short brown hair with streaks of a blackish-blue colour at the ends. She is by no means skinny, but nowhere near fat, curvy is what I would describe her as.

Her eyes are weird, I can't tell if they are brown, green or blue, they seem to constantly change colour. I can't look away, her eyes are filled with so much love and yet so much pain.

"Um where is your place, we can help you with your suitcase?" Phil asks, bringing both me and her back to reality.

Phil's POV

Dan is just staring at her and she is staring back. She is wearing a black T-Shirt that reads "I may be left handed but I'm always right".

"Um where is your place, we can help you with your suitcase" I ask. It breaks both of their stares.

"Oh um, apartment number 4" she answers, reading from a scrunched up piece of paper she pulls from her pocket.

"So your the new tenant. We live just across the hall from you." I state, instantly regretting saying that. What if she is a crazed fan girl that will break in to watch us while we sleep.

She just smiles and turns back around to continue climbing the Mt Everest of stairs. We get to her door and I instantly retreat into our apartment. Dan stays with her to help bring her suitcase inside.

I slowly change into my pyjamas and climb into bed, retrieving my laptop from the ground. I open Tumblr and begin my nightly ritual of scrolling until I fall asleep.

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