34- Roman's POV

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It had been almost a year since Virgil and I got together. Deceit and Remus got together after Deceit gave Remus his literal heart back. Patton and Logan got married a few months ago. And I was currently seeking a ring for Virgil.

I knew it had to be black and purple with a little white. Something extravagant yet simple. It had to be perfect.

I hummed to myself, pulling Virgil's stolen hoodie over my hands. Maybe a black base with a single row of amethyst with two rows of diamonds bordering it.

I focused on it and the ring appeared on my desk. It was...


"Hey Ro, have you seen my-" Virgil paused walking into my room.

"Oh, so first you steal my heart and then you step my hoodie?" He sighed, "what's next? Are you gonna steal my last name too?"

"Virge," I chuckled, turning around, "we have the same-"

Virgil was kneeling in the doorway, holding a gold and red ring with arches of diamonds. I was speechless.

"Ro, will you marry me?" Virgil asked.

I jumped up and hugged him, "of course I will!"

Virgil laughed and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

"So," Virgil started, "what were you doing with my hoodie?"

"I was getting inspiration for this." I said, pulling out the ring.

Virgil's eyes went wide, "You were gonna- and I just- oh shit did I mess it up?"

"No no!" I laughed, "You didn't mess anything up."

Virgil smiled and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Ro? Do you remember when we were kids and it was Thomas's first high school audition?" Virgil asked, "I was so hurt back then. And afraid. I was scared to let anyone close to me. And when Thomas went on stage and I cause that stage fright, you took over. Your singing helped me. Do you remember that song?"

I nodded, "it was Love Like You from Steven Universe."

"Yeah." Virgil smiled, "such a silly little end credit song and it means so much to me. All because it helped me find you."

"And it helped me find you too." I smiled softly.

Then Virgil started to sing the song the brought us together.

"If I could, begin to do, something that does right by you, I could do about anything, now I've finally learned how to love."

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