𝐃𝐚𝐲 6: 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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I cracked open the door stepping inside quietly, silently shutting it and looking around. Seeing Elli asleep on the couch with bottles piled on top of cans. The smell of beer was strong

My stomach turned seeing the sight, his hair was a mess. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned and his tie was thrown over his shoulder while his his legs propped up on the coffee table, his head resting in his hand while his phone laid in the other

I checked my phone, seeing missed calls and messages from him. I looked back up and sighed, my heart dropping after putting two and two together

" He stayed awake for me.."

I took my shoes off tying my hair up, running to my room and grabbing my blanket. Quickly unfolding it, feeling the soft blanket before walking back out to the living room before setting the blanket down on the coffee table, creeping closer to Elli

I snapped my fingers near his face, before whistling. No movement, I smiled softly looking at his face, I softly grabbed the side of his face and his shoulder, laying him down onto the couch slowly. His eyes began to flutter slightly

" Shh..."

I ran my fingers through his curls. His body eased up and I smiled, reaching for the blanket throwing it over him to tuck him in, standing up and heading to the kitchen getting the trash can

I turned off the tv and began throwing away all of the beer cans and bottles. Sweeping up around his area seeing cigarette ashes on the floor, I sighed. Dumping the ash tray, fixing up the coffee table and placing his phone on it.

He groaned, turning onto his back. I waited for him to quit stirring in his sleep before I began fixing up the chair I grabbed his jacket and belt, hanging his jacket up and grabbing his shoes, heading to his room

I set his shoes on the rack and hung his belt up. I looked around at his room, getting a look at every little thing I headed to his dresser. Looking at the framed photos, grabbing the picture of him and a beautiful girl.. looking at one another smiling, with love in their eyes. I smiled softly setting it back down

My heart ached seeing many more photos of the two, I left his room closing the door. I went to the kitchen, looking at the half empty pot of coffee. Throwing out the old filter, and setting up a new pot, I glanced over at Elli who still slept peacefully

" Good night Elli"

I walked towards my room slowly. My body getting heavier and heavier on my knees, once I hit my bed I curled up into a ball. Staring out at the dimly lit hallway, closing my eyes with a Shakey sigh


I woke up to Elli calling my name. I sat up stretching, rubbing my face down completely before sitting up straight, I opened my eyes and Elli stood in the door way. I looked over at the clock reading 5:32am, he walked into my room and sat on the bed next to me. Throwing himself back, his arms spread out on the bed

" Where were you?..."

" I was at my Aunt's flower shop, I just wanted to see her for a bit.."

" You gotta be careful when you're out and about"

He sat up and looked at me. When I looked back at him I noticed his flushed face, he's still drunk.. I sighed looking at him, nodding my head while my heart pounded in my chest

" I know..."

" You wanna know something Liz..."

𝑰 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏 𝑻𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚Where stories live. Discover now