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Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
"Don't forget me," I beg
I'll remember, you said
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead."
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead."

Someone like you

Amelia's POV
It was Sunday and I was sitting here wondering were all of Saturday went. I'm back in the office tomorrow and I felt as if I just left.

"Where were you last night?" I asked Lesley as she refilled her glass of wine.

"I was out with Eric,"

"You like him?" I asked shocked knowing how she was with an-

"Wow, nobody said anything about like alright, I just went out with him,"

"And you've been going out with him for two months,"

"That doesn't mean I like him, how is the new job?" She asked quickly changing the subject and I let her.

"Tiring, I'm contemplating becoming a stripper, "

"Don't that's alot more work than you think," she mumbled making me laugh.

"So what's your title?"

"I'm Mr Persons assistant,"

"Oh so you're working under him?" She asked twisting the words I almost choked on my wine.

"This is why I don't tell you anything,"

"How is it really?"She asked laughing

"I really don't know," I replied truthfully my head laying in her lap.

"That bad?" She asked looking down at me

"I just wanna sleep," I said softly, she smiled pushing my hair back.

"Let's go in the room, because your uncomfortable ass couch nearly broke my back last time" she responded and I got up laughing slightly going into my bedroom as she cleans up the livingroom. I crawl into the bed and before I know it she is beside me.

"Every sleepover you make sure we're in bed by 8:00," she pointed out amused and I laugh looking at her

"But you keep coming back," I replied equally amused.

"It's for the wine don't get ahead of yourself Amelia," she said and I smiled playfully rolling my eyes.
I sat in the meeting bored out of my mind as the men presented their idea to us, well less me and more Mr Persons. He sat their looking unimpressed checking his watch every few minutes, my mind kept thinking back to him being....nice, is that the way to put it. I don't know but what I do know is the man circled my apartment twice, because he felt as if he didn't know enough as yet and now I show up to work and all he says is that his coffee is lukewarm. It's not my fault he was late, I should be the one complaining, the man seriously had some issues.

Or maybe he was toying with me, maybe this was some sort of plan because he was closer to me than would be deemed professional by anyone seeing us. Maybe his plan is to fuck me..I probably wouldn't..mind actually. Not to sound all horny but the man looks like a model that decided that the cover of the magazine was uncomfortable so he hopped off. And I'm just saying I wouldn't be mad if he hopped in me, with protection of course. If you were trapped in an office with a man like him you wouldn't mind either.

I looked up at the men before us to realize that their presentation was over, they stood their looking at the Mr Persons with hope in their eyes. He looked at his watch standing up straightening his jacket.

"Mr Richards will see you out," he said in a firm voice leaving them dumbfounded they were about to object when he cut them off saying.

"Ms Davidson I need you," he said walking off I flashed the men an apologetic look quickly catching up, he called the private elevator and we stepped in. This man was truly a jackass. The doors opened and he walked to his desk sitting down running his hand through his hair.

"Send me the documents concerning my next meeting," he ordered not looking up at me, I walked into my office starting on what he asked pulling my annoying hair in a ponytail, I really needed a haircut. A couple minutes later my door opened to reveal him with food in his hands he placed them on the desk removing my hands from my keyboard closing the laptop. I looked up at him confused as he grabed the chair in front of my desk relocating it beside mine before taking a seat.

"Amelia," he said moving a lunch box in front of me as well as a water.

"Thank you," I said hesitantly opening the box he leaned back against his chair pulling his fork his eyes scanning me suddenly he frowns putting the fork down. Sighing he leaned forward removing my hair from it's ponytail running his fingers through it, a shiver ran through me and I silently prayed that he didn't notice.

"Keep your hair down," he said his voice firm, his hand moving from my hair to my chin making sure I looked him in his eyes.

"Do you understand me?" He asked his eyes boring into me and I nodded not being completely sure that I could trust my voice.

"Use your words Amelia," he said and I quickly fought back a sound that was desperately trying to escape my lips before saying.

"Yes Mr Persons," his eyes become harder and his grip on my chin tightened.

"Amelia what have I told you to call me?" He asked his thumb rubbing my chin ever so gently, I fought against my body's instinct to lean into him and replied saying.

"Yes Xavier," he smiled releasing his hold

"Good, now eat up before your food gets cold," I was about to nod but quickly decided against it as I began eating.

"Are the curtains closed because of your fear of heights?" He asked me as I sipped my water, his eyes traveling down to my lips before returning to my eyes.


"I'm bringing you somewhere later today so after I drop you home, I'll be back to pick you up at 7:46 no later," he said putting a forkful of food in his mouth.

"Xavier I don't think tha-"

"Amelia you really should learn the difference between a statement and a question," he said slight humour in his voice. I stayed silent eating my mind traveling back and forth visiting every possibility it could. He finished his food quickly and he sat there just watching even though I never looked at him but I could feel his eyes burning into me. I finish my food taking sips from my bottle here and there as he continued to watch me.

"Are you full?" He asked me and I removed the bottle from between my lips.

"Yes," I replied feeling uncomfortable under his stare. I felt as if he was picking me apart piece by piece in his mind, looking for every flaw I had and highlighting them with his gaze.

"Can you stop looking at me please?" I asked hoping he would.

"Why?" He questioned.

"It feels as if you're judging me, or p-"

"You should never feel uncomfortable when I'm watching you, you're absolutely perfect Amelia," he said softly, he leaned forward kissing my forehead before standing up.

"And keep your hair out of it's ponytail," he added gathering the garbage leaving my office. What the fuck just happened.
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