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A/N: my new story "Two that are one, A Reylo story" is out now! Please follow and turn on notifications for when I make another Reylo story!!
Ben's smile faded as he fell backwards in my arms, his body went limp and I stared down in shock.

He couldn't die, not now...I had to save him just as he did me.

I placed my hand on his chest and pushed life energy in to him, warmth ebbing from my trembling palm. I needed him to live.

"Please help me, please don't take him away yet" I begged nothing, I closed my eyes and felt for certain that I wouldn't let him die. The chaos above me was loud and thunderous but I couldn't give up...he had to live.

"Please don't let him die" I begged quietly, my voice weak from tears. My sobs were answered when a burst of wind washed over me. Wind that was just as warm as life itself, the fear of being in the citadel faded as I turned my head.

My eyes saw Leia standing in a white dress, a light smile etched into her supple face. I forced myself to breathe as she slowly walked over to us. The destruction seemingly fading around her ethereal apparition. I could feel my heart thundering against my own chest, it could've burst had it gone any faster.

She walked next to us, her eyes gleaming with hope. She glanced down at Ben and put her hand on his cold shoulder, a soft, yet melancholy smile growing on her face.

"He was willing to die for you" she sang lightly, I nodded my head and put my hand on his face. A tear rolled down my cheek, my fingers brushing his cheekbone lightly. I wanted his skin to be warm. I wanted him to open his eyes. Was it so awful for the force to finally let me be happy? I closed my eyes, fighting the tears that dared to rain down.

"But I love him" I said tearfully, Leia sighed quietly. Even in the darkest moments, it felt as though it was impossible for her to be without hope. Rebels.

She closed her bright eyes, her hand ever so gently resting on his forearm. Leia knew her son was meant to do great things, even if he had made mistakes. She knew Rey would look after him, he'd always have someone who understood him. He'd be safe. That was all she needed.

"May the force be with you Rey, always" she said quietly, her voice breaking away from me.

I looked up and saw her apparition was gone but hearth filled me, making my body tremble with newfound life. I gasped, as light gently flowed over Ben's limp body. What should've been a greying corpse, slowly transformed into something beautiful. I reached my hand up to his cheek, cupping his jawline to face him.

I felt completely breathless as the light made its way back to his closed his. Hope and anxiety flooded my tired bones as I prayed to the maker. "Ben?" I called softly. His name bounced off the walls of destruction, only to reach his ears and...

Wake him.

He took in a slow, deep breath. His eyes fluttered open, revealing a gaze of confusion and alertness I never thought I'd see again.
I gasped and almost cried out in relief, tears pouring from my eyes. "Ben!" I cried, my voice ebbing with joy. His eyes met mine and I felt my heart flutter.

"Hey..." he groaned weakly, his eyes struggling to stay open. I let out a choked laugh, finding this all too good to be true. A distant crunch made my head whip away from Ben. I nearly stopped breathing as I saw the citadel around me beginning to crumble to nothing. I had to leave.

I pulled Ben's head to my lips and kissed his forehead, the warmth I felt made me want to cry with happiness, "we're going to be fine" I told him, "I promise" I added. His breathing was slow and steady. I was too weak to use any sort of force energy, I just had to drag him.

I hooked my arms through his and started to pull him away as fast as I could. Although he was heavy, I had adrenaline and hope coursing through my body and I wasn't going to let it stop there.

The way out was long and extremely difficult but I had to make it, I had to. All I had to do was walk across the long platform that led to my ship and I was out, but it was so far. I could feel my legs and arms aching for relief, begging for me to lie down. To give up.


I pulled him with all my strength, but it was fleeting. The destruction was unmissable and I was still so far. Tears streamed down my face as I forced my body to push itself to the absolute limit, I was not going to give up.

I knew ben wouldn't wake up no matter what, he was probably on the edge of death for what he did for me. That one word was probably the only energy he had within him. I groaned in agony and pulled him along, my muscles exerting themselves to the end.

I was inching closer and closer toward my ship, yet the platform around me started to crumble. Nothing felt stable, I wasn't going to make it. I closed my eyes and held my hand out toward Ben. The force flowed through my heart, maybe for the last time.

I threw his body toward my ship and away from the crumbling fortress. Was he safe? I fell to my knees, my strength worn thin. I felt the ground rumble beneath me, it was going to fall. If I didn't fly Ben off this planet, we'd die. And all this would've been for nothing.

I clenched my jaw and began to crawl out of the dark, ripping up my hands and torso as I was pulling myself across the rigid, uneven stone floor. Lightning struck next to my body, throwing me off my straight path. I screamed in bloody defiance, my ears violently ringing. I laid there for only a moment, overcome with an obsession to save Ben. I could see him, lying in front of the ship.

I finally pulled myself into the stormy, grey skies of Exegol. The looming fortress that hovered over me was gone, yet it felt no better. Rain poured from the dark skies, while lightning blinded me every time I tried to see my destination. Everything cried for relief. Blood fell from my nose and ears, along with a cut that loomed on my forehead.

My teeth chattered and I could feel knees and elbows giving out. I'd never been so tired in my life. Fatigue and doubt fought against my seemingly indestructible hope. I dug my nails into the ground and pushed myself forward, nearly screaming in effort.

I reached my hand out blindly and felt nothing but warm fabric. I gasped and raised my eyes to see Ben not even inches away. I laughed in victory and grabbed onto him, using whatever strength I could muster to haul him and myself into the x-wing. The wind ripped against my cold skin, causing my fingers to tense up and nearly grow immobile.

I could only force myself to ignore the pain. I managed squeezed Ben and I inside the small cockpit as best I could. I closed the ship's visor and ignited the ship. The engine roared to life, the feeling made me want to smile. I yanked back on the controls, launching me away from the dreaded fortress and in to the sky where the final order was being destroyed by soldiers in freighters and starships everywhere.

I watched in glory as all the ships that Palpatine created were being destroyed ever which way, relief and happiness filled me. I was no Palpatine. And his legacy would die with his wickedness. I smiled weakly, forcing my eyes not to close.

"Red five! Red five do you copy?" A voice hissed over the coms. I weakly raised a finger and flipped the device on, opening the channel.

"I copy...we're safe" I croaked.

"Rey! Rey is that you?!" Finn's voice shouted over the speaker. I laughed at the absurdity of us both surviving.

"Yep...it's me." I smiled, giggling as I gazed out over the chaos. "We did it" I sang.

"Oh yeah we did...we won the war" Finn cheered over the coms. I smiled weakly and felt my heartbeat slow, and my hands relax against the controls. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ben's sleeping face gleam in the battles light. I smirked.

We won.

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