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"Ben!" I called one more time, I couldn't see bubbles or his pale skin through the clear water.

I continued to walk out until I realized my mistake, I'd gone out too far and a steep decline swept under my feet. My body slipped under the water and I started to really panic, I flailed my arms and around and kicked my legs until my head just barely resurfaced. "Ben-" I tried to yell, but water filled my mouth and made me cough and fall back under.

My wet hair was sticking to my neck and face every chance it got, making everything more difficult. I was becoming tired very quickly and I didn't know how long I could do this for.
"Ben!" I screamed, the sound ripping through the cool afternoon air. I fell back under the water and this time it felt like I was being pulled. I looked down in the water and saw a green plant wrapped around my ankle, keeping me from resurfacing. I pulled against the plant but for some reason it wouldn't break. The only thing I could manage to get out of the water was the top of my hand, I flailed it around and tried to make as much motion as possible but I was losing air and my lungs started to ache. My vision started to become patchy as I slowly started to slow my movements, becoming hopeless and tired.

My hand fell under the water just as something ripped the plant from my ankle, I couldn't see anymore but all I felt was arms under my body. I was completely blind, limp and my lungs ached. My head emerged above water but I couldn't seem to get any air in, I was choking on water in my mouth.

I felt my body leave the water as I set on the stone ground, turned on my stomach while someone patted my back. The quick force caused me to start coughing and hacking vigorously. Water poured from my mouth as I coughed over and over again, the hand stopped patting once my arms had given out keeping myself up.

"Rey? Can you hear me? Oh god...Rey!" Ben yelled, a bright light filled my vision as I blinked a few times.

My vision returned and I saw Ben's horrified face right above me, his arms wrapped around me. I coughed a few more times and looked up at him, "why the hell did you get in the water?!" He yelled, his tone of annoyance shocked me.

I just tried to save his ass and this is what I get?

"I couldn't...see you anymore" I said weakly, he brushed hair out of my face and put my head on his soaking wet chest, his tan shirt was also sticking to his body.

"God you're so stupid" he said softly, I could hear the worry in his voice. I knew he was upset but so was I, we both scared the life out of each other, me almost literally.

The only I felt like I could do was start laughing, it wasn't a forced laugh either, it was just pure embarrassment and hysterical laughing at...nothing. I looked up at Ben and started to cough again, but he just had a intrigued smile on his face.

"I can't believe I thought I could swim for a second" I laughed out, I found it hilarious and Ben just chuckled.

"I've never seen you laugh this hard" he stated, I just wiped my under eyes free of any tears falling and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Because I haven't have" I laughed out again, I pushed myself off of Ben and tried to sit up on my own. He kept his hand behind my back while I sat myself using my weak arms, I just smiled and continued to laugh but not as hard as before.

"Thank you for trying to save me" he teased, I just pushed his shoulder and laughed at his funny gratitude.

"Thank you for actually saving me, we've definitely got a problem for almost dying and then the other saving you" I joked, he just raised an eyebrow and started to laugh.

I looked up to the sky and saw grey clouds swirling in the once brilliant blue sky. "We should get going, i think it's going to storm" I guessed, Ben looked up too and his face was struck by a raindrop.

"Yeah, cmon" he said quickly, he helped me stand up and I tried to power through steps but my legs were too weak. He just chuckled and scooped my legs in his arms, he began to walk away from the falls. I just wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him, I buried my face in his chest while he carried me away from the thunderous falls. As we walked, the constant pattern of his steps made me quite tired, I actually fell asleep in his arms, like a child.

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