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I grabbed his face and pulled it down to mine, our lips crashed together, creating another moment of happiness between us. He rested his hands on my hips while I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss didn't last long, it was short and worthwhile, which was enough for me. I lowered myself from Ben and he just looked down at me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, he nodded his head and grabbed his hand and held it within mine.

"Come on, I'm sure Kippos will make us something" I said happily, I pulled him out of the room and toward the mess hall, grabbing my lightsaber on the way out. The medic bay halls were nearly empty and I could hear the echo of my footsteps as we walked.

I turned the corner to see the mess hall with barely anyone in it, I was glad. I do hate big crowds.

I walked over to Kippos's bar and smiled at him as I sat on a stool, Ben sat down right next to me.

"Two Bothka stews please" I ordered, Kippos clicked his tongue and turned to around to slide in to his kitchen.

"What's Bothka stew?" He asked, I smiled and pointed to the very small menu on the far wall.

"Comes from Pasaana, remember that place?" I asked, he sighed and put his head in his hands. He probably does, that's where I used force lightning for the first time...and thought I killed Chewie...bad times.

"Don't worry about it, that's all behind us now" I said softly, he looked up from his hands and stared at me with shock.

"All of it?" He asked weakly, the happiness in his voice breaking through. I smiled and rubbed his back with my hand, making sure he felt safe with me.

"All of it" I repeated, he smiled and leaned back as Kippos put the stew down in front of us. I thanked him and picked up my bowl, I stood from the bar and motioned for Ben to do the same.

"Come on, there's something I want to show you" I said happily, I led him away from the base and in to the think jungle. The sights and smells probably brand new to Ben, which made this all the more exciting.

I led him toward the cliffs, he stopped and stared at the amazing view and I could see breath being taken away by nature's beauty.

"It's beautiful" he mumbled, I smiled and sat near the edge. Patting on the spot across from me, he willingly sat down and began to eat his stew.

"Rey...can I ask you something?" He asked, I nodded my head and set down my bowl after taking a bite.

"How did you keep me alive, on Exegol?" He asked, I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"I um...I saw you laying there and I couldn't let you die. So I transferred some of my force energy back in to you and then...Leia-" my voice broke but he needed to know his mother saved him. "Your mother appeared next to me and touched your shoulder...and then you started breathing" I said happily yet my voice sounded sad from the tears rising in my eyes.

"How did she do that?" He asked, confusion and interest clear in his voice.

I decided that it was better to tell him how I felt now then later, he deserved to know.
"I told her that...I loved you, and she smiled and brought you back...to me" I said softly, the words were so good to say.

The look on his face was shock, I looked down to the ground and fiddled with a piece of grass.

"You said that you...loved me?" He asked, I looked back up at him and nodded my head.

"Because I do" I said confidently, he breathed out a breath and I saw a tear fall down his face.

"I love you too" he said softly, the words were so shocking yet relieving to me I had to ask him again.

"What did you say?" I asked, I set my bowl next to me and stared in to his deep, breathtaking brown eyes. He smiled, and I mean really smiled at me.

"I love you too" he said clearer, I smiled back at him and jumped toward him. He caught me and we rolled in the grass, I laughed and landed under him. He used his arms to keep himself above me, I reached up and placed my hands on either side of his face, this was Ben Solo. This was the man I loved.

Vanquished Darkness ~REYLO~Where stories live. Discover now