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I walked out of the lunch line with my food. I looked towards my lunch table. Ty had his arm wrapped around Missy who had a devious smile on her face. I sighed. I walked past the table and sat down at an empty booth. I cut up and mixed up my salad, stabbing out a bite. "Hey corazón," Nick said scooting beside me.

"You don't have to sit here."

"The only reason I sat there was because you were there."

Ricky, Tessa, and Luke sat across from us and Dana sat beside Nick. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're eating lunch," Dana said. She took a bite of her pizza. "What are you doing?"

"You don't have to leave the table for me."

"Like we want to sit with that cheating scumbag," Luke growled eating his burger. "And anyway we wouldn't be good friends if we let you sit all by yourself."

I smiled. I felt a hand rest on my bare knee. I look up at Nick. He continued eating his food, not looking at me. "Hey, guys. Hi babygirl,'' Ryder said sitting next to Dana. I was now squashed between Nick and Dana.

"Go away," Dana groaned. "There isn't room for you and I don't like you."

"That's okay babygirl I know you love me." he winked at her. She rolled her eyes. "And there's always room for me." I yelped as Nick picked me up onto his lap. "See Nick wants me here, he's making room for me."

"Yeah that's what I did," he grumbled. I grabbed my food and kept eating. Nick moved his hand up my thigh. I put my hand on his trying to move it. He turns my hand interlocking our fingers. I sighed leaning my back against the wall and my feet on Dana's lap. Nick leaned forward. "You look beautiful," he whispers.

I had on a white long sleeve tank top, a medium blue jean skirt that was frayed on the bottom, and all-white high tops. "You're being very flirty today."

"Maybe but I'm not lying."

Luke cleared his throat. "Nick, Ricky, coach wanted to talk to us remember?"

"Yeah right," Nick said. He leaned forward kissing my cheek. "Ryder, Dana scoot." Ryder and Dana both stood up. Nick set me back down as he got out of the booth. Luke and Ricky did the same. "We'll see you later."

They walked out of the cafeteria. We all finished our food. A bunch of people started running out of the cafeteria. Ryder stopped someone. "What's happening?" he asked.

"There's a fight in the hallway."

The four of us looked at each other before following everyone. We got to the front of the crowd that formed a circle. In the middle of the circle was Nick and Luke on top of Ty. "Get off of him!" I screamed.

I ran towards them and got pulled back into a hard chest. His arms wrapped around me tightly. "Just let them do it, Leia," Ricky said softly in my ear.

"Ricky, you gotta stop them!" I cried. He picked me up and turned us around. He tucked my head into his chest. "Nick, Luke please stop."

"Just go to class Leia."

Dana and Ryder ran over to us. "Ryder, please stop them."

He nodded, rolling up his sleeves. He ran past us and over to the boys. "Both of you stop," he yelled yanking Luke off of Tyler. He held him by the arms pulling him away. "Y'all have to stop before a teacher comes."

Nick was still going at him, throwing punch after punch. I yanked myself out of Ricky's hold running to Nick. I pulled at Nick. Not seeing who I was he swung at me. I yelped jumping to the floor. His eyes widened and he backed up. Ricky came over to me checking my face. "Leia, are you alright?"

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