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We walked through Ricky's house and into his backyard. The background was decorated with colored balloons and streamers. Their house is huge. There's a pool with a big yard, a media room, multiple guest rooms, and a basement that was converted into Ricky's man cave and bedroom. Ricky's parents are big-time rich lawyers. They expect him to follow in their footsteps after high school.

I found him towards the back sitting on the swing set by himself. We walked up to him. He smiled when he saw me. "Happy birthday Ricky," I said, hugging him.

He hugged me tightly. "Thanks for coming. My parents invited all their work friends and their kids." he hugged Dana, Tessa, Ryder, and Luke. We held out our gifts to him. "You guys didn't have to get me anything."

"Yes we did," Dana said sitting on one of the swings. She handed a bag to him. "Open mine first." he chuckled and took out a bag of gummy bears, a chocolate bar, and skittles. He raised his eyebrow. "You love skittles and chocolate. The gummy bears were soaked in alcohol, they're for later."

He smiled. "Can't wait." he kissed her cheek. "Thanks Dana bear."

Ryder handed an envelope to him next. "It isn't much."

He opened it and pulled out gift cards to a few restaurants and stores. Ricky shook his head. "Nah it's great." he fist-bumped him. "Thank you."

"I knew Dana wanted to drink tonight so I bought the alcohol," said Tessa handing Ricky a bag. "Don't open it out here."

"This is from both of us," said Luke handing him two small boxes.

Ricky smiled when he opened it. He pulled out gold cufflinks and a gold watch. "This is exactly what I wanted, thanks guys." he hugged Luke. I kissed his cheek. "Before you ask, Nick is coming later," he whispered.

"I wasn't going to ask," I whispered back. He smirked. I sat down on the bottom of the slide. "So why are we hiding away? This is your party."

"It's more my parent's party than mine," he said. "They invited all their work friend's kids. They're all pretentious snotty rich kids. I wanted to hang out with you guys and not have some big party."

Dana started swinging back and forth. "Well don't worry, we're gonna get drunk and have fun when they all leave." she grabbed Ryder's hand. "Come with me, I want food." he smiled and followed behind her as she pulled him towards the food table.

"Do you mind if I go swimming for a bit?" asked Tessa. Ricky shook his head.

She took off her shirt and shorts to reveal her black swimsuit. She walked over to the pool jumping in. Luke groaned. "Fuck she's hot." he took off his shirt and ran after her.

I chuckled. I turned to Ricky. "We can just chill back here until they all leave."

"I wish but my parents are trying to set me up with some girl. The second she gets here they're gonna make me spend all my time with her."

"Not if you're with another girl." he snapped his head towards me. I shrugged. "I'm just saying if we pretend, your parents might back off."

"I don't need my ass beat on my birthday."

"Who would beat you up?"


"He would not."

"He definitely would." he looked towards the house. "Shit my parents are coming outside." I got off the slide and sat down on his lap. "Leia-"

"Just go with it," I said. I leaned down and put my lips on his. His whole body froze. I put my hand on his cheek and kept kissing him. He started slowly kissing me back. It wasn't a romantic kiss, the kind where you feel sparks. I didn't feel butterflies in my stomach like I did when I kissed Nick. I pulled away when I heard a throat being cleared. I smiled. "Mr. and Mrs. Shanchez, I didn't see you there."

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