Ch.1 A Long and cold night

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Arturo woke up sweating the heat from the dying fire next to him was quickly fading. As Arturo look at the stars above a howl like screeching would be heard echoing through the cold night. After throwing a few more sticks into the fire Arturo would grab his cattleman revolver and his repeater and put on his poncho.

After getting on his horse he would light a cigarette and take one long puff before tossing into the flames. "Let's go Raul" Arturo would say as he pulled on the rains in the direction of the howl. After 10 long minutes of riding the moon hanged high in the sky as a dark figure the size of a wolf stood in the path. Raul would stop moving as they stood close to the creatures. Arturo would be staring into the creatures glowing red eyes burned with hatred before it let out a blood curdling scream, Arturo clutched his ears as his eardrums felt a piercing pain right before Raul bucked him off in fear. As Arturo fell to the ground in a loud thump and pain humming through his body as the scream went on.

Not long after he would hear a horse squeal in pain as he looked over his head and ears throbbing, what he saw was Raul laying on the ground about 30ft away from him bleeding as the creature was sucking the blood out of the poor animals neck. As Arturo rose to his feet he reached for his revolver as he fired two quick shots that ringed through the quite desert air the creature be lying on the ground before quickly rising to its feet and rushing toward Arturo forcing him to the ground. Quickly Arturo raised his left arm as the creature bit him with razor sharp teeth that felt as if it was sucking the blood from his wounds. As Arturo yelled in agony he pointed his revolver toward the creatures chest before fire his final 4 shots into its body. It bit hard then let out one last scream before falling limp on Arturo as Arturo got to his feet he would rub the sweet from his forehead the say "if I lose one more goddamn horse I will kill Sherriff Grey". After a second he would pick up the corpse of the wolf like creature and hold it over his shoulder as he began to walk in the direction of town.

As the hours past Arturo would begin to see day break once again. A long sight of relief would be heard as he slowly dropped the wolf on the ground to inspect it, whole the thing looked like a wolf at night its look ungodly in the light of day break. Its teeth looked like long jagged while its k9s had the appearance of snake fangs its body had patched coarse fur with many bullets and burn wounds and what seemed liked wings bent and broken. But as Arturo picked back up the creature and slung it over his shoulder he said "I best get going I rather not burn in the heat"

While Arturo walked for what seemed 3 more hours he would begin to see the town of Santa Fe less then 30mins from him. And as time passed and he entered the Santa Fe, the towns folk began to get ready to go to work would give Arturo curious glances some kids trying to see the creature but their parents shoving them away shortly after Arturo would kick open the sheriffs door.

Arturo would yell "Sheriff Grey I have that thing you wanted!" Grey would quickly rush over from another room "keep your voice down you goddamn idiot, put it on the table so I can examine it" Arturo would walk over the a table and set it down "Look sheriff I went through a lot of fucking trouble to kill this thing I lost another fucking horse so this better pay well" grey would look at the creature then at Arturo "Yes it pays well about 100 dollars maybe you could buy yourself a decent horse you cheap fuck" after saying that the room went quite then Arturo spoke "well I might just do that then, after I get my money that is and at least a thank you once again for saving us" at that last part Arturo would be mimicking Grey to the best of his ability.

After Grey finished inspecting It he would move over to his desk and pull out a clip with 100 dollars and toss It toward Arturo as he caught it "Thanks sheriff if you need me again I'll be buying a Decent Horse" as Arturo exited the sheriff's office he would hear a quite growling then a yell.


thanks to everyone who stuck around to the end of this chapter! im not the best at this and im very new to actually  writing so sorry that its a tad bit rough but it means a lot to me if you got far enough to read this!

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