The flayed

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—fastforward to first day of shooting—

Today was the day the gang were doing their first scenes,  Cara and the desperate moms had just done their "hello Billy" scene.
The duffers called a quick meeting to discuss the new story line for Amy's pregnancy, everyone had gathered around in a circle with the duffer brothers, Matt started the meeting, "ok guys so as you all know our very own Sarah Mills and Dacre Montgomery are having a baby!" Everybody cheered, "ok, so we have had to change the story line, it's not a drastic change and it won't really effect much" Ross added.
"so before, Lily was going to get a job at the pool and help the kids when they realised Billy was flayed, but now to reduce her scenes or make it so she can film them before her bump is fully out we changed it" Matt told the group. "Yeah, so we know Lily already started dating Billy in season 2, so this season she is going to be at Billy's house the night he has the accident and gets flayed, he will go home and take Lilly to the mind flayer before they both get Heather" Ross added and waited for the groups reaction.
"I love the new plan guys, thank you for being so accommodating!" Sarah added before going to hug the brothers. When they had finished discussing the new plot they all got in their places to start the first scene.

First off was Dacre then Sarah, They walked over to set, "it's only acting babe it going to be rough but you can do this", Sarah smiled at him him and kissed he's knuckles, "I know baby thank you for reassuring me, I love you" Dacre kissed her on the head "and I love you angel, take care of our little bean" he said as he put a hand on her stomach.
Dacre got into position ready for the directors to count down....5..4..3..2..1 ...
Billy was in he's Camaro driving home from a shift at the pool, looking at himself in the rear view mirror, he was meeting Lily at he's house after work and knowing  Neil and Susan we're out only meant one thing, making out and hopefully more with he's girlfriend Lily Harrington.
"Hey baby looking cute tonight, oh you want me to take off my shirt? Of course you only have to.... shit", something hit the car and sent it skidding into the side of a building.

Billy staggered out of he's car rubbing he's now throbbing head, "what the hell! My car!" He ran he's fingers over the smashed windscreen feeling a slimey residue on it, suddenly hes head shot round as he heard a noise come from inside the abandoned Building, "hey who's there! Come out now ass hole!", out of nowhere something wrapped around his feet and pulled him screaming inside, Billy fought against it with all he had, "AHHHH! ....LILY!" He screamed at the top of he's lungs.

He was dragged down the stairs and within a second of that thing letting go of he's leg an even bigger version of it attached it's self to Billy's face, he couldn't scream or move, he was trapped until eventually he passed out.
He wasn't aware how long he was out for, but when he came to he staggered out of the building and made he's way back to the Camaro, he drove to the nearest phone booth and dilated 911, as he started talking the light flickered and everything went black, he stepped outside and saw shadows approaching him, "what do you want!.... I SAID WHAT DO YOU WANT!" He asked them, one shadow came closer, eventually standing right in front of Billy, the shadow was none other then himself, "to build" it told him, "to build what?" He asked the shadow of himself confused, "what you see" Billy was extremely confused at this point, he said again "I don't understand".
The shadows disappeared and everything came back into light.

Billy jumped into he's car and drove home, he had to see Lily, she would know what to do, when he pulled up outside the Hargrove house he shot out of his seat but staggered on his feet and fell back against the car, Lily was on the porch waiting her boyfriend, she witnessed him fall and ran over to him, "Billy!, baby what happened are you ok!?" She asked him but he just gave her a blank look, "Billy, get in the other side I'm taking you to the hospital!" She ordered, Billy grabbed her arm "no I'm taking you!" He bashed her head against the car causing her to pass out, he picked up her lifeless body like she was a feather and put her in the back seat.

He drove back to Brimbourn steel works with Lily in the back seat, when he pulled up outside he picked her up and carried her inside, she started to wake back up, "uhh Billy?" She groaned and looked at him worries but he just looked forward and carried on walking down the stairs, "my head hurts what happend? Where are we?" She asked confused, Billy placed her on the floor gently and covered her mouth with he's hand, "don't be afraid it will be over soon, just stay stay very still" he told her emotionless, Lily's eyes filled with tears, what was her love doing? She was worried about him despite what was happening to her.
Lily heard a rattling sound from the other side of the room, she reluctantly turned her head towards the sound, she watched as a dark slimey creature came out of the darkness, she looked back at Billy, "I love you Billy" she called out, the creature crept closer to her but Lily never took her eyes off of her love.
The creature towered over he forcing her to look directly at it, Lily let out a scream, this allowing the creature to attach it's self to her face.

"Cut! Wow guys! Amazing!" Ross says as he walks over to the couple, "thanks man" Dacre told Ross, "this story line is so good I loved doing this scene" Sarah told him as she leaned into Dacre's chest, "the emotion was on fire Sarah!" Sarah laughed "going out in style baby!" Causing the boys to laugh.

The final scene of the day was Heathers.
Billy and Lily were in the Camaro in silence, they were heading to Hawkins pool to get their next victim ...Heather Holloway.
The couple walked into the pool and everyone looked their way like normal, they were the power couple of the school after all, they made their way past the crowds and down into the showers.
Because Billy had a summer job there he knew when Heather would be working, so he knew she had just finished her shift.
Lily went down first, "Heather! Hey girl how are you?" She asked her, Heather didn't find this weird because Lily always came and spoke to her when she was waiting for Billy, "yeah I'm good thank you, just finishing up then I'm headed home" Heather said as she put her towel into her bag, "oh il walk out with you" Lily told her as she headed towards the door with Heather by her side.

Out of nowhere Billy jumped out from around behind the corner and put a cloth over Heathers mouth, she was wriggling around in he's arms trying to free herself, she heard Lily say, "stay calm it's for a good cause" before she passed out.
When she woke up she was tied up on the floor of the steel works, she tried to scream but her mouth was taped up, she turned her head to see Billy and Lily sat on the stairs while Billy wrapped a bandage around Lily's hand.
He stepped down and walked over to Heather, he's heavy boots making a loud bang on the metal floor, he bent down in front of her, "it'll be over soon, just stay really still", he then ripped the tape off of her mouth and backed up. Then she heard it, the loud screeching, the mindflayer ran out from the darkness and towered over her, Heather let out a bloodcurdling scream as it took over her.

"Cut! Yes guys! Fantastic!" Matt called out through then megaphone. The full cast began clapping in the background.
"We have our monsters guys" Ross shouted as he headed over to the set, "you three did that pin perfect! I'm really happy with this story line, this baby has made it all happen!" He said as he pointed to Sarah's stomach.
Dacre put he's arms around Sarah, "our little miracle" he told her as he kissed her cheek. Francesca looked over at the couple and smiled, "you guys are perfect I hope I find happiness like you two" she hugged the two before walking off to the makeup trailer.


Feels so weird writing a Dacre fic and doing a full chapter about Billy 😂
Hope you guys like it!
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Love u! Xx

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