Goodbye Billy Hargrove

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Fast forward 3 months, Today was the last day of filming for season three, luckily Sarah had done all of her scenes before Cooper was born, so today they were going over the star court scene and Billy's death!, Sarah had come to set for with Cooper and Katie, everyone was hanging around Cooper commenting on how big he had got, Katie was showing Nat and Charlie her new princess dance moves when Matt Duffer walked in with a bright pink suitcase, Charlie laughed first causing Katie to turn around, as soon as she laid her eyes on it she ran over to Matt, "Aurora!" She shouted as she noticed all her favourite princess printed on the side, "oh you like my trolley Katie, yeah I got it for my vacation but I had to cancel it so thought I best make use of it" Katie looked up at him "I'm going on vacation tomorrow, to Australia!" Beamed the little girl, "really! Exciting!... oh my god I have the best idea, why don't you take it? You could put all of your toys and clothes in it?", Katie began jumping up and down before jumping into Matts arms, "thank you!! I love princesses!", Matt smiled at her before placing her on her feet again and watched as she ran over to her mom dragging the trolley behind her her, Sarah blew Matt a kiss in appreciation from the other side of the room, he nodded in response before shouting down his megaphone "ok guys to set let's get this wrapped up!!".

Everyone made their way to set but Sarah stayed back with the kids to save them making a noise on set, Dacre walked up to his family, he placed a kiss on his sleeping sons head then held Sarah's face before kissing her too, "il see you soon angel", he walked towards the set but picked Katie up on the way past, "il be back soon munchkin, take care of mommy and cooper for me ok?", she kissed her idol on the cheek before laughing, "I always do, silly!", Dacre laughed back at her cuteness, she hopped down and went off to play near her mom.
Dacre walked on to set to meet Millie and Sadie, "you ready ladies?" He asked them, Millie gave him a pout, "I'm not ready for this to be over no", the group shared a hug, they had become really close over the last year, Sarah and Dacre adored the kids and they were so good with Katie and Cooper, "you have been the best slash worst big brother I could have wished for" Sadie chuckled at Dacre, "aww Sadie how sweet....come on let's get this done and we can all go celebrate before we head home again".
.....: scene:......
"Billy, wake up .... Billy, get up! Please Billy!" Sadie's character called out.
Dacre lays making a choking sound, Sadie is crying and shaking his lifeless body as Millie makes her way over to Sadie and comforts her in friendly hug, "it's ok", the pair cry over Billy's dead body.

"Cut! Wow that was emotional guys well done!" Ross calls out and the whole cast and crew begin applauding, everyone giving Dacre hugs and congratulating him on such an amazing scene, but he only wanted to get to one person, Nat was with the kids so Sarah made her way to the front, "Dacre!", She called out, the pair locked eyes, when he got to her he picked her up causing her to giggle, "wow that was emotional, I was crying like a baby back there!" Sarah confessed, "I know babe but the death of Billy means one thing", Sarah places her arms around his neck, "oh yeah what's that", Dacre brought her in for a kiss, "more family time, I was going to wait until we got there to ask but how do you feel about getting married while we are in Australia? I'm sure these guys would be more than happy to travel over", Sarah buried her head into his neck, "that sounds perfect Dacre! Australia is my happy place" she was smiling uncontrollably "we got engaged there, cooper started growing there and now we are getting married there!", Dacre couldn't help but admire his fiancé, "I know baby, I told you I will make you happy every day of your life".

The couple were interrupted by Joe, "come on love birds we're all celebrating over here", Dacre put Sarah down and all three of them headed over the the group in the middle of the set, "ah here he is" Matt said, "we all just want to thank you Dacre, for bringing so much talent and fun to our show, not to give anything away but this isn't the end of Billy Hargrove, but for now he is 'Dead'" Matt used finger air quotations, "and most of all for getting this pain in the ass of our case" he said looking at Sarah, "no I'm kidding she's amazing but thank you for everything you have done here for us, the show and for everything you have done for Sarah we all owe you that".
Sarah hugged her fiancé in admiration, "ok cast get your costumes off and go get ready we're meeting tonight for final dinner, usual place, 7pm and it's on us, see you all later!".

With that all the cast separated to get costumes, wigs and make up off while the rest of the crew dismantles the set.
Sarah waited out on set while Dacre got his wig off, Chloe had taken the kids home so Sarah was alone sat on the hood of Billy's Camaro when her phone pinged...Dacre.

Dacre- where are you angel x
Sarah - il give you a clue ... I'm where Lilly and Billy first met ❤️ x
Dacre - see you in five beautiful x

As if on que Dacre walked around the corner, "hey stud" Sarah smiled at him, "you ok babe? What you doing here?", Sarah moved up so he could sit with her, "just thinking, this show has changed my life so much", Dacre pulled her in, "mine too baby, before this it was just me, doing odd acting jobs now and again, willing to go anywhere for a chance, never seeing my family because I had to travel for roles, now look I have an amazing fiancé who I see every day, wake up to her beautiful face every morning and..." his voice lowered in case anyone was near, he ran his hand up her inner thigh ".. I get to make love to her every single night" he kissed her neck making her giggle, "and that same amazing fiancé has given me 2 beautiful children and I can't wait to see her on our wedding day, looking like perfection in her long white dress making every man in the room jealous that she is mine", Sarah climbed on his lap, "god Montgomery you make me so horny, what do you say we go to your trailer before heading home" Sarah bit her lip while she waited for his answer, instead he jumped down but placed her back on the hood of the car, he instantly put his back to her waiting to carry her, "as you desire madam, your chariot awaits", Sarah hooped on his back and giggled as he ran towards the trailer.

Wow guys sorry it has been so long .... again, lock down is killing me, plus I'm still in work as I am a key worker 🤦🏻‍♀️
Hope this was ok guys.

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