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"Babe you can wear anything and will look amazing, it's Naomi she won't judge you" Dacre said to Sarah as she threw clothes out of the closet in a panic, "you don't understand Dacre I'm getting fat! I'm only going to get bigger and uglier and have stretch marks, my hair will fall out and ...." Sarah ranted, Dacre got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around her, "babe I know it's the hormones but you know that to me, you will always be the sexiest woman in the room no matter where we are", Sarah looked up at her fiancé with her eyes full of tears, "even puffy eyed?" She asked, Dacre laughed and pulled her in and kissed her bead, "even puffy eyed babe, listen you put this on and il go dress Katie ok, meet you out front in 20 minutes?" Dacre asked her as he passed her a yellow jumper and her black skinny jeans.

After 15 minutes Sarah came out of their bedroom and met Dacre and Katie in the living room, "pretty mommy!" Katie said running up to her mom, "you ready to go meet Dacre's friend baby" Sarah asked her, "yay Katie, mommy and daddy D day!", the pair kissed before smiling down at the cuteness at their feet.

The gang soon arrived at the restaurant they were meeting Naomi at, "you want to take Katie to the table babe I have to pee!" Sarah told Dacre in a hushed voice, he let out a small laugh, "sure babe", he took Katie's hand and guided her to the table while her mom went to the toilet.
"D! Oh my god it's been too long!" A female voice called out from behind Dacre, making his head spin round, "Ni!How are you! You look great!" Naomi stepped back smiling and clicked her fingers, "well you are looking at the new princess Jasmine after all!", a huge smile crept on to her face, "no way! Wow I am so proud of you right now!" Dacre said feeling happy for his friend.
Naomi stepped past Dacre and bent down next to their booth, "so you must be princess Katie? Just as perfect as Dacre told me you were!", Katie's face lit up, "daddy D I like your friend! Thank you pretty lady" Katie said, Naomi's eyes began to fill with happy tears at Katie calling her friend daddy.

Sarah came back into the main area and noticed Naomi at the table looking amazing, very casual but smart at the same time in her vest blazer and knee boots, Sarah found the closest mirror and re arranged her jumper, she looked down at herself feeling horrible at her baby bump, thinking it just made her look fat.
'get a grip Sarah!' She told herself, still looking in the mirror she heard her daughter shout across the room, "mommy! We here!", her eyes instantly shot to her daughter stood up on her chair as Dacre's arms flew around her legs to steady her before looking over to his fiancé and flashing her his winning smile.

Sarah made her way over to the table, as she got there Naomi stood up and pulled her into a hug, "my god Sarah I am so glad I finally got to meet you! You look amazing by the way, no wonder Dacre has been keeping you to himself, and look at that bump! It just amazes me the whole pregnancy thing" Naomi said in one breath, causing Dacre so laugh, "enough interrogation Ni?" He asked, Sarah hit him on the shoulder, "oh be quiet it's nice to have someone new ask me things, Joe's daily 'have you puked today' is wearing thin now" Sarah confessed, the group laughed and Sarah sat down to join them for lunch.

They chatted for a couple of hours, Katie busied herself with colouring and playing games with Dacre, Naomi and Sarah on the other hand were like two giggling school girls, talking about how Sarah met Dacre, Naomi telling Sarah all of the funny stories of her and Dacre during their time filming power rangers, "it was so funny Sarah! We had scenes all day so we were in our own trailers chilling out until we got called, Dacre was moody over something or nothing, so payback for sulking me and RJ snook in his trailer, Dacre was sat with he's earphones in so he didn't hear us, we crept up behind him and emptied 4 cans of silly string all over him!" The two girls began howling with laughter, Dacre smiled and shook his head, "babe seriously she's evil! I was finding the damn stuff in places it should never have found" again the girls fell in to a fit of laughter before Sarah said "sorry I have to pee! Too much tea and laughing, il be 2 minutes" she kissed Dacre's head and left.

"Dude she is amazing I am so happy for you, get a ring on it quick sharp!" Naomi told her friend, "thanks Ni, your approval means a lot, she really is the best thing to happen to me, I don't ever want to spend a minute without her" Dacre replied pouring he's heart out, not knowing that he's madly in love fiancé was listening behind the wall, Sarah thought her heart could explode at any minute.


Really sorry for the late update guys!
I have moped around the house enough, I needed to get back to it.
Thank you for your support!

Xx Emma xx

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