Loving life

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After a long journey Dacre, Sarah and Katie finally landed in Australia, they quickly got their bags and headed to Dacres apartment, Katie was super tired so they let her go straight to sleep, Dacre carried her into her room which obviously wasn't decorated for her but he had plans for this, he laid her on the bed, placing a kiss on her forehead before walking out.
luckily Dacre has a 3 bedroom apartment so she had her own room.

Sarah was in the kitchen making coffee when Dacre came in and put he's arms around her waist kissing her cheek, "My mom is already texting me she can't wait to meet you guys", Sarah spun around placing her arms around he's neck, "I already know I'm going to love her, I just know it, I bet you are so much like her, why don't you invite them here for lunch?" A huge smile lit up Dacre's face, "your sure? Really?" Sarah let out a little laugh and kissed him on the lips "of course baby, I want to meet your family and you must be dying to see them! Especially your sister!", Dacre brought her into a hug "you Sarah Mills are utter perfection, you know that?"
"It's my job to make you happy baby" she passed Dacre he's phone off the side then turned around and carried on making coffee, "happy is exactly what you make me" he crept towards her and kissed her ear lobe before whispering "in more ways than one" giving her a tap on the ass causing her to laugh.
Dacre walked off into the other room to phone he's mom and invite them over later on.

3 hours later

"They will be here any minute babe you ok?" Dacre asked Sarah as she fixed Katie's dress, "yes babe I'm fine it's you who is all of a sudden panicked, what's wrong?" Sarah stood up so she was facing Dacre, "nothing babe, I know they will love you, both of you, iv just never taken a girl home that was this serious and I love the addition (gesturing to Katie) don't get me wrong but it will be all new for them you know? I don't want them to be weird and it scare you off" Dacre looked at the ground a little worried about what he just said, "babe it's going to be fine, I know a kid is going to be different for them, you left single then came back in a serious relationship with a kid" the pair chuckled "I'm open to how ever they feel babe but it will be fine, plus I don't scare easy, and I couldn't imagine my life without you so no fear of me leaving" the pair engaged in a long romantic kiss before been interrupted by a knock at the door.

Sarah broke the kiss and gave Dacre a smile before taking Katie's and and standing behind Dacre as he opened the door.
"Ahh Dacre sweetheart I missed you so much!", Dacres mom pulled him into a hug, as she hugged him she noticed Sarah and Katie stood behind him, she greeted them with a smile, letting go from the embrace she looked into Dacre's eyes giving him a smile and gestures towards the girls behind him "oh .. mom this is Sarah my amazing girlfriend and her beautiful daughter Katie" Sarah put out her hand to shake "oh honey we can hug you're family now! I'm Judith by the way" she pulled Sarah into a hug.

Once she let go she looked down at Katie "we'll aren't you just perfect! You must be Katie, well you are just as beautiful as Dacre has been telling me, would you like a hug?" Judith asked Katie noticing she was a little shy, she looked up at her mom for approval, "go ahead baby this is Judith Dacres mommy!", Katie looked back at Judith and smiled before walking into her arms.
The 3 girls looked back at Dacre who was in a hug with he's little sister the pair of them crying, "I missed you D, it's been too long" they stayed like that for a while before Dacre said "hey Saskia you got to meet some special people ok?" She dried her eyes and looked towards the girls, "this is Sarah my girlfriend and her little girl Katie" Saskia was very shy so Sarah stepped forward first, "it's so nice to meet you Saskia, Dacre talks about you all the time, Katie has been dying to meet you, Instead of bedtime stories she likes Dacre to tell her a story about you two and the things you got upto growing up" The group laugh "you going to say hi Katie?" Sarah asks her, she steps from behind her moms legs "hello" she says giving Saskia a wave, everybody "awww's" in unison.

The rest of the day went amazing, Sarah found out that Dacres dad wasn't there because he was away on a business trip but he will be back in a few weeks.
She has enjoyed meeting he's immediate family and hearing all the funny stories of he's childhood, although Dacre would say they were embarrassing and unneeded.
Katie had an amazing time playing with Saskia, who was currently teaching her how to draw, this relationship made Dacre's day, all he wanted was he's family to love Sarah and Katie the way he does and they really did, he was truly happy and he's family could see it.

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