No way!

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The weekend came round really quick, Katie was running around packing toys to take to Judith's, Dacre kept leaving the room to take secret phone calls, he says he's planning a surprise, Sarah isn't a huge fan of surprises.

"All sorted babe, did you bring a fancy dress with you or do we need to go shopping?", Sarah looked at him with squinted eyes "what are you planning Montgomery? ... but yes I have a fancy dress", Dacre walked up to her and placed he's hands on her hips, "babe it's a secret but I can tell you that you will love it, trust me", Sarah looked up at him and kissed he's chin, "I do babe, I love you".

Later that day Dacre had already been showered so he took Katie over to his moms while Sarah showered ready for their secret date. She was really panicked what could he have planed?.

She chose her dress from the wardrobe, she picked a black knee length silk dress.
Knowing that Dacre was wearing a grey suit it would compliment it.
She put some waves in her hair and her makeup on, when Dacre walked in she was almost ready, "I'm just going to put on my suit babe and il be ready and we can leave" Dacre announced as he walked into the bedroom.
Sarah was in the bathroom finishing her makeup.

When Dacre walked out Sarah was stood looking out of the big floor to ceiling in the living room, "holy shit Sarah!" Dacre said as he walked towards her, "you like what you see Montgomery?", he grabbed her hand and spun her around, "like what I see babe I love what I see, if I hadn't planned tonight and know that you will cry when you see it, I would cancel and take you to the bedroom" the pair laughed, "when we get back babe, I'm all yours".

Dacre pulled Sarah into a kiss, "Im already looking forward to it, come on babe let's leave I'm dying to show you the surprise".
They walked out of Dacres apartment and into the car, "thank you for making such a big deal out of tonight baby, I already know it's going to be amazing no matter what it is" she leant over and kissed Dacres cheek as he drove, they got onto the highyway heading towards the harbour.

Sarah was sat in silence wondering what could be this way, 'a romantic meal by the harbour? Oh the art museum was this way' she thought to herself.
Dacre pulled into an underground carpark where he was met by a valet, "Mr Montgomery?" He asked, "yes, that's me, thank you" Dacre said getting out and handing him the keys before going to open Sarah's door and helping her out.
"Oh Mr Montgomery I was asked to give you this" the valet passed Dacre a brown envelope, "fantastic!, thank you", he then turned back around to Sarah, "ok babe, you ready?" He asked smiling at her, "um yeah I suppose for someone who doesnt know where she's heading!" They both laugh and Dacre puts he's arm around her waist, "you will in a minute babe" they  headed through a door and up some stairs, there Sarah saw a sigh for 'Sydney opera house', her jaw dropped "a show! You brought me to a show at Sydney opera house! Babe thank you, oh my god this place gives me goosebumps", tears already filling her eyes, "only the best for you babe".

They walk in and take their seats after a few minutes the lights shine on the stage and an announcer says "ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for the talented, Missy Higgins!", Dacre looks directly over at Sarah who has tears filling her eyes, all she can say is "oh my god Dacre! Oh my god, oh my god! Dacre!", she jumps into he's arms and covers him in kisses "you my love are so amazing! I owe you the world! I love you so so much!", Dacre brushes some hair out of her face and simply says "your welcome babe, enjoy".

Everyone sits down and the show starts, Sarah doesn't take her eyes off the stage the whole time she is on.
Dacre is just in awe of how perfect his girlfriend is, ideas flying around his head, Every time a new song started he would hear Sarah say "oh!, I love this song!".
He loved how music made her feel, she had been through so much in the last 4 years and music helped her get through it all, especially the woman singing in front of her.

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