Chapter Three- Worries (Edited)

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Gray POV

The words weren't even fully out of my mouth when I realized my mistake. I had breached the topic of family.

Of loss.

Carmen's face contorted into a mask of sorrow, and she turned away, looking like she wished that she could disappear. It was the second time tonight that I had made her make that face.

I felt awful.


How could I have forgotten boundaries?

Carmen POV

I told him. Gray. I told him everything. Except for VILE, of course.

But there had been a look on his face, like he wanted to scream that he was sorry for asking and that he would make it alright again-and I couldn't take it.

Gray had just told me about his mom. He deserved my words.

I and told him every. Single. Thing.

About how my father was killed and that I didn't know where my mom was. How I was lied to my entire life, and didn't fit in where I had lived. How my so called 'family' wanted my head. How my name wasn't really mine.

He listened to me.

When I finished -or rather, when I couldn't speak any more- I realized that I was crying. Small, hot tears blurred my vision, and Gray took my hand. I stared at it, a sad smile tugging at the corners of my lips before vanishing. "I'm sorry for dragging you into the mess of my life," I whispered.

Gray ran his thumb over my knuckles, shaking his head slightly. "I want you to let me help you. However much you need it."

I looked at him, and he just smiled.

I was back at my hotel a few hours later. Gray and I had eventually managed to move on to less depressing topics, settling on cats, water bottles, politics, bug spray, and mountains. Just... every day things.

It had felt wonderful, to be in his presence as a friend. It was like old times. Even if I did want us to be something more, I would never get tired of talking with Gray.

The word tired stayed in my head, beating hard against my skull until I finally -FINALLY- found my way into bed.

I quickly fell asleep, the image of Gray's brown eyes burned into my own.


I was tired. And worried sick.

It was almost two in the morning, and Carmen had yet to check in. Their date had ended before 10:30, I knew, because Carmen had promised it would.

She always kept her promises.

I face-palmed and wished I would have remembered to demand that she tell me when she reached her hotel room safely.

"That's it. I'm going to see if she's gotten back yet." I stood from the floor, anxiety gnawing at me.

Zack glanced up from his phone for a second to nod. "OK."

Worry continued to push at my gut, forcing horrible thoughts into my head as I walked.

Carmen was more than capable of handling herself in almost every situation, but... still. Just because VILE was being quiet didn't mean that they weren't out there. And Carm was a young woman, and it was night, and she was alone...

I didn't realize how much my fears were consuming me until Carmen's door was right in front of me. A hastily scrawled note was taped to the wood. It read:

Hey, Ivy!

Sorry I didn't call, but I'm exhausted and can barely stand.
I promise I got here safely, thanks for worrying, and sorry for making you do so.
You can chew me out tomorrow.
Love you!


I sighed and tucked the tiny piece of paper into my pocket. A strange part of me was glad that she knew I would check, or that she might've wanted me to over my brother. Placing my hand on the door, I took a moment to calm my breathing before pushing the metal handle down and stepping into the room.

As promised, Carmen was out cold, hair up and jacket still on. I sighed again.

This happened a lot.

Carmen didn't sleep well. Nightmares often swallowed her, and there were many a time where she would simply go days without rest in fear of laying her head down for even a second. Whenever this happened, Zack and I had to do our best to help her through capers-or with whatever she needed.

But, tonight seemed different. Her expression was peaceful. Her eyes didn't jerk under the lids, and her fingers didn't twitch like they often did. She seemed to actually be getting some sleep tonight, for once.

I knew that it must be Gray's doing. It made me happy to see her falling in love with a guy who had fallen for her years ago. They really did have a chance.

Tossing thoughts from my head, I knelt next to the bed and shook Carmen gently. She eventually opened her eyes, blinking them at me tiredly.

"Nightmares?" I whispered.

She shook her head.

"OK." I gave a tiny smile, then tapped her sleeve. "Jacket?"

She nodded and sat up, tugging her arms out of the red fabric, then pulled out the pin that held her bun together. Long, auburn waves tumbled down, and I brushed them aside to kiss Carmen lightly on the forehead. "Night, Carm."

"Good night," she yawned, flopping back down on the covers as I flicked the light switch. She was asleep before I even closed the door.

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