Gray POV
I was setting up my electrical work-station when my friend and co-worker, Jared, tapped my shoulder. (Jared's from New Zealand)
"Graham, we need you out on the stage real quick."
I turned to him and frowned. "Right now? Curtain call is in like, 20 minutes, you should have everything set up by now."
"I know, mate." He retorted, exasperated. "But something's weird with the main light fixture now. Boss Man's busy helping Carla with the sound tech stuff, so we need you to look at it."
I rolled my eyes and snatched up my gloves. "Okay, I'm coming."
"Thanks." Jared ran a hand through his blonde hair, and I followed him out past the red velvet curtains. "Up there." He pointed to a large spotlight set up in the rafters.
I squinted against the brightness. It did seem a bit... off. Kind of fuzzy, which wasn't what we wanted for tonight's show. "Who's working that light right now?"
"Tell him to increase the lights inner tubing caliber by 5 percent, or so."
Jared repeated the instructions into his radio.
The light sharpened.
"That's better," I said.
"Thanks, Graham." Jared held up his hand for a high-five, and I slapped it lightly.
He turned to inspect the already growing audience, and stopped immediately. "Who is that?"
"What?" I followed his gaze to a row slightly in the front. My breath caught.
She looked amazing.
"That's... that's my date." I grinned.
"She's Carmen Sandiego?" Jared's eyes snapped to me. "Bro, you scored yourself one HOT chick. No wonder you're going out with her so often." He poked me. "She your girlfriend yet?"
My face heated. "No. Not yet."
He narrowed his eyes, seemingly offended. "Why not?"
"Um- well..." I stumbled for an answer. "She's not... not ready. For a commitment, I mean. Carmen's had a pretty tough life. She's not used to the whole... relationship concept."
Jared just stared at me. "Well maybe-"
"If you drop it now I'll introduce you to her," I interrupted.
"That's a done deal, mate!" He snapped his fingers and hurried away, smirking.
I sighed, then looked to where Carmen sat.
Her gray-blue eyes met mine, and she smiled.
I returned it, my heart beating wildly, and went back stage to finish preparations for curtain-call.
Carmen POV
I have to admit, if one was paying attention to the lighting more than the characters on stage, one wouldn't know what had happened on stage. So I didn't remember anything about the show other than the fact that Gray was good at his job.
Also one of the side characters had a cute dress. Just a thought.
When the opera ended, I slipped through the crowd and past security to the doors that led backstage. I knew that "no wristband means no backstage access", but Gray wasn't stopping me this time.
I spotted him walking to an electrical box with a blonde guy, both wearing a blue electricians jumper -which were horribly cute- and black industrial work boots. I waited for them to finish cutting the stage and auditorium lights before making my way over to them.

Happy to be of Service//RedCrackle
FanfictionCarmen Sandiego has always feared VILE, but now she's found someone she loves, and with him comes something terrifying- the option of losing everything. So when VILE seems to be taking a break from crime, Carmen decides to risk a chance in Australia...