Carmen POV
I shuffled my feet and checked the time on my watch again. Where was he? Gray was never this late. Even at VILE, he had always been the first to arrive at our classes. It made me fidgety that he wasn't here, and I found myself unconsciously tapping at the medical tape on my face with my nails. It was an effort to lower my hand instead of ripping the bandage off.
Four days had passed since Germany, and Blacksmith. Luckily I had had time to sleep for twelve hours on the plane back to San Diego, where I was fussed over by my crew. Most of the cuts were close to healing, but some -like the groove on my left cheek- required disinfectant and gauze.
Anyway, there was nothing I could do about it now, except wear my red hoodie. It may have been relatively warm for an Australian night, but I didn't want Gray to see the little red marks that covered my arms.
Not that it made much of a difference.
He had called me in the middle of my mission and heard everything. Which meant that he was probably already super freaked.
I frowned at the foggy city. Yet another reason he should have been here already. I sighed and pulled my phone back out.
Me: Are you OK?
A DING from behind made me jump, and I turned to see Gray holding up his own device, smirking.
"A bit impatient, are we now?" he whispered.
I gave a small shrug, feeling relieved. "Maybe."
Gray's face suddenly crumbled, and he swooped in to scoop me into a tight hug. "You scared me so much, Carmen," he murmured into my neck, holding me to his chest. "I had no idea if you were even alive till a few hours ago."
My stomach twisted as I realized that he was crying.
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. "I'm sorry, Gray," I whispered sadly. Rubbing his back until he calmed down, I reluctantly let him step back and examine me.
His eyes caught on my cheek, and strain returned to his voice. "What happened to you, Carm?"
I tucked my hands -and the many nicks on them- into my pockets. "Nothing bad, really." I lied, hoping to ease his worry.
Gray's brown eyes narrowed, and he glanced to where I was hiding my hands. "Let me see." He held his own out and gestured for mine. His voice steeled when I didn't move. "Carmen."
I sighed and placed my hands in his.
He held them gently and turned them over, his concerned gaze flickering over the pale lines marring my skin. He eventually kissed my palm and slowly laced our fingers together. "You said that you would stay safe." There was the smallest hint of anger in the words.
I closed my eyes. "I know. I'm sorry. But I can't always promise that." I looked back up at him. "What I do is dangerous, Gray. My life... my life gets put on the line more often than not." Upon seeing the sadness on his face, I whispered again, "I'm sorry."
Gray gave a smile that didn't reach his eyes and tugged one of my sleeves lightly. "Your arms look the same, don't they?"
I hesitated for just a second before nodding.
He took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly, running a shaking hand through his hair. "Okay. I think that..." Another deep breath. He hugged me to him. "I think we need to calm down. I do, at least."
I sank into the embrace, finally finding the courage to say, "I crashed through a window. It was... not what I had planned to do." I attempted at a joke.
Gray didn't laugh, instead asking, "So there are more cuts?"
"Yeah. But I don't you to worry, okay?" My voice wavered. "None of them are life threatening, and they don't hurt anymore."
He trailed a finger over my cheek lightly. "Not even this one?"
I winced. "That one's the exception."
Gray nodded in understanding and tucked my head under his chin. I sighed contently and closed my eyes, relieved that he was done interrogating me.
Gray POV
I shouldn't have been surprised that Carmen's job was dangerous-after all, I had seen for myself how she had to run and fight.
But it still scared me.
Determination suddenly flooded me, and I unwrapped my arms from around Carmen, cupping her face.
I didn't want to keep living like this.
Carmen's eyes widened, and it took me a second to realize that I must have spoken out loud.
"What do you mean, 'living like this'?" she whispered wearily. Her eyes searched mine with alarm.
"I mean, I don't want to have to worry about you all the time. I want to- to be in the loop. I never want to see you hurting. In any way."
She was confused.
My heart was beating wildly. I needed to say this right. I lowered my voice to match Carmen's. "I want you to be happy." I stopped and blinked back tears, licking my lips nervously. "I want you to be safe, Carmen. What does that for you?"
Carmen's breath caught, and it took her a few seconds to respond. Her eyes softened. "You, Gray. You make me happy." She sucked in a breath. "Being with you makes me happy."
I smiled, still whispering. "I was hoping you would say that." I took one of her hands and brushed my thumb over her knuckles.
She looked down at her hand in mine and leaned into my other palm, a smile flittering over her mouth. I found myself glancing from it to her face and back.
"Can I kiss you?" I whispered.
Carmen blinked at me like 'what?'
"I promised that I would ask next time, didn't I?"
Her eyes widened, and realization dawned in them. She smiled shyly. "You did."
My heartbeat sped up.
Carmen POV
I don't think I've ever been so scared before. I didn't want to lose this. To lose Gray. What we had was... fragile. And what if I messed it all up?
Here Gray was, looking adorably sincere and asking for permission to kiss me, like he promised he would. And yet... I hadn't kept mine.
He seemed to know what I was thinking, because he leaned down and tucked a strand of hair out of my face, his eyes loving. "All... all forgiven, okay?" His breath brushed over my cheek.
I couldn't stop myself from whispering, "I want you to kiss me." Maybe not my smoothest line, but I think we both knew that it was enough.
Gray leaned in further and let his lips hover over mine, as if to taunt me. A smile tugged at them when he noticed my annoyed expression. "Impatient much?" he muttered, his voice low.
"Maybe just a little," I breathed, reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck.
He smiled again, pulling me in closer. "Good," he answered, gently pressing his lips to mine.
I melted against it, warmth flooding me.

Happy to be of Service//RedCrackle
FanfictionCarmen Sandiego has always feared VILE, but now she's found someone she loves, and with him comes something terrifying- the option of losing everything. So when VILE seems to be taking a break from crime, Carmen decides to risk a chance in Australia...