Chapter One: Community Service

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Anko was lying in bed on her day off.

She guessed she could have gone drinking with Kakashi. Or she could have read a good book or practiced her ninjutsu. But at the moment she was having far too much fun lying in bed.

For a while, they had been afraid a war would happen. Everyone knew that Tsunade was important to Sarutobi. He wouldn't have taken her being killed or locked up lying down. But things had ended anticlimactically in a compromise.

Time to sleep.

There was a knock at the door.

Anko sat up. She didn't want to get dressed to greet whoever it was. So she lay back down.

There was another knock on the door. She ignored it.

The knocking continued.

That was it.

Anko threw on her fishnets, tied up her hair and stormed to the door, grabbing a kunai. Throwing it open, she grabbed the idiot by the throat and put the blade to his throat. "What?!"

"I'm sorry, Anko!" squeaked the man. "Ibiki... Ibiki..."

"Ibiki what?" asked Anko. "What do you want?!"

"Chief Ibiki wants your help." said the man. "It's important. About... about... about the prisoners that were taken during the skirmish to save Tsunade."

Anko looked at him. "Go to hell. It's my day off."

"But-" began the man.

She shoved him off the balcony. There was a scream, and he landed hard in the garbage. Glancing down, she saw the man scrambling up. She turned to go back to bed.

And then Anko realized that she was already dressed and out of bed. There was no going back now.

With a sigh she went back in, undressed, and took a shower. The voluptuous ninja relished the hot water pouring down her body. Using shampoos, she finished, before drying herself off with a towel. Tying her hair above her head, she redressed and walked outside. The messenger had long since fled by this point.


Making her way out, she stopped to get a cup of coffee on the way there. She ran into Kurenai on the way and chatted with her a bit about recent events. Pretty soon, she ended up ordering breakfast, and soon, it was mid-morning. Paying her bill {she didn't leave a tip.} Anko then went to the ANBU base of operations. Time to see what Ibuki wanted.

It was a one-way window looking into a cell. Ibiki was sitting in a chair; his hands clasped before him in silent contemplation. His eyes were narrowed, and he said nothing as Anko entered. No doubt, he was trying to look very impressive.

He was succeeding. But looking and being were two different things. She was surprised he didn't have anything to say to her about being late.

Anko came up beside him and looked through the glass. Before her in the room were three kids. First was a thin boy clad in bandages with only one visible eye. The second had spiky brown hair and a thick frame. Last of all was a girl with long black hair, reasonably pretty. All three were clad in white garments of a prisoner.

"So who are these kids anyway?" asked Anko.

"Sound Village Ninja," said Ibiki, hands clasped in front of him. "The one with all the bandages is called Dosu. His entire body is marred from some disease. The bandages are meant to hide that. He used a power that manipulated sound waves as a pseudo melee weapon. The girl is Kin; she wielded bells to disorient her opponent. The last one is Zaku. He's got sound wave emitters built into his arms. We've had to lock them down."

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