Chapter Twenty-One: Showdown with the Sound!

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The Sound Four were fast. Very fast. Neji was having trouble keeping up with them, which meant Tenten and Lee must be having a hard time. At this rate, they might never overtake them. He looked to Guy-sensei at the head, smiling confidently.

"Guy-sensei, was it really necessary for us to do that posing earlier?" asked Neji, remembering the bodies.

"Of course it was, Neji," said Guy. "If we'd gone straight on the attack, our unyouthful enemy would be on their guard. But now they think we're a bunch of jokes.

"So we'll have the edge.'

"Besides, we should not be ashamed of what we are," said Rock Lee.

"I did that only under protest!" said Neji, taking offense. "It's demeaning!"

"Oh come on, Neji, I think it's kind of fun," said Tenten.

Guy laughed. "Students, your youthful demeanor ensures I stay young at heart. Now let's focus on the task at hand."

On they went.

Tayuya didn't have time for this shit. The Leaf Ninja were keeping up with them, and she'd been hoping to start drinking to celebrate the kills. She glanced to where Sakon was looking back.

"From the looks of things these ninjas are keeping up with us," said Sakon. "They're much faster than they look.

"Jirobo would you like to take care of this?"

Jirobo grumbled. "Fine, take the snake lady. It's been a while since I've had a meal."

Then he threw Anko at Tayuya, who barely caught her. "Watch it, you fucking moron? What if I dropped her? She's no good to us dead?!"

Jirobo ignored her and turned around on the road to halt. The Leaf Ninja rushed toward them and posed before them. Adult spandex posed dramatically. "So, you've finally stopped running, have you? Why don't we get down to brass tacks."

"Tack this!" said Jirobo, before slamming the ground. The earth heaved and rose up around the Leaf Ninja, covering their way out and swallowing them whole. Tayuya sighed. "Well, now, we wait.

"Any of your pricks up for Go Fish?"

"We're game," said Sakon.

Tenten halted in place, looking around as the walls rose around them. For a second she thought they'd close and crush them. Guy-sensei seemed to be standing by to do something, but then nothing happened. "What happened?" she asked.

"They have surrounded us with some kind of dome of earth," said Lee. "Well, that won't stop us." And he prepared to charge, only for Guy-sensei to catch him by the shoulder.

"Wait, Lee. I doubt this is an ordinary trap," said Guy-sensei. "Neji, what do your eyes tell you?"

Neji's Byakugan was activated, and he looked around carefully. "The entire dome is laced with chakra. It appears that our enemy has poured much of his power into it. Even as we speak, it is absorbing our strength. The closer we get to it, the more it affects us."

"A dastardly scheme indeed," said Guy-sensei. "I could probably break out of here with some of my eight gates, but that'll leave me weaker.

"Still, it's worth a try."

"Wait a minute, Guy-sensei," said Tenten, remembering her techniques. "Let me give it a shot. Neji, can you find a weak spot?"

Neji nodded. "One moment." He scanned the area, then pointed. "Yes, there. The chakra is all coming from that region, so it is weakest there."

"Right!" said Tenten. "Come on Tenten, show Lady Tsunade what you can do."

She was about to charge, but Guy-sensei shook his head. "Not just yet. Our enemies won't be expecting us to get out. So when we make our breakthrough, there will be a few moments where we have the element of surprise. We should make a plan.

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