Chapter Eighteen: True Colors

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Ino awoke that morning and shoved aside the covers tiredly. Making her way into her bathroom, she began to sort out her hair, tying it above her head. She paused only to wipe the sleep from her eyes, before quickly getting dressed in her usual outfit.

From there, she went downstairs and found Mom cooking bacon. Veggie bacon for Ino of course, she didn't want to get fat. She had to look her best for Sasuke. Or someone else, depending on how things turned out. Ino realized impressing Sasuke wasn't first on her priorities anymore.

As they sat at the table, Mom set the food down and sat down. "Ino, your father and I would like to talk to you."

"What is it, Mom?" asked Ino before taking a bite out of her food.

Dad put down the newspaper and seemed concerned. "We've heard you've been spending time with that Uzumaki boy."

"What about it?" asked Ino, voice guarded.

"Well, we're concerned," said Mom.

"We told you before you should stay away from him," said Dad.

Ino rolled her eyes. This again. "Please, Naruto is fine. He wouldn't hurt anyone. I don't see what the big deal."

"Ino, we're serious. You should stay away from him," said Dad.

Ino didn't get this at all. "Why? What's the big deal? What did he do?"

They looked at each other, and something passed between them. Then they looked back and shifted awkwardly. "Well..." said Dad. "We can't tell you. There are laws in place by the Hokage. The information is sealed. He may seem perfectly nice. He may even be perfectly nice.

"But just by spending time with him, you're putting yourself at risk."

That was it. Ino had already been annoyed by how everyone shunned Naruto and now the law itself was doing it. "Don't tell me who I can and can't be friends with! Naruto wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"Ino-" said Mom.

Ino stormed off and out the door. Then she halted and listened at the edge of the counter.

"Let her go," said Dad. "She wasn't there. Trying to force the issue is only going to make it worse."

"But Inoichi, we can't just... it isn't safe!" said Mom.

"By now word has gotten out in the village," said Dad. "Ino will move on from this soon enough."

"You don't suppose they'll treat her like him?" asked Mom.

Ino stalked out the door and slammed it behind her. Just what was it they were hiding?

Ino didn't know, but she was going to find out. That's why she headed to meet Hinata. As she did, she wondered if there was a similar discussion going on.

Hinata made her way through the door as summoned and kneeled. Father was kneeling with his pack to her, practicing calligraphy. Putting down his brush, he stood up. "Hinata."

"Yes, Father?" asked Hinata.

"I'm told you've been associating with Ino Yamanaka and Naruto Uzumaki," said Father.

"Y-yes," said Hinata, feeling more self-conscious than ever.

"The former is a worthwhile investment," said Father. "The latter is unacceptable. It is my will that you break off all contact with him."

What? But Hinata had just started to get to know him. "B-but, but Naruto has never done anything to hurt anyone. It... it isn't fair to treat him like this."

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