Chapter Seven: Neji is a Jerk

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Neji crouched upon a tree branch in black garb. Binoculars were on his eyes, and he was peering across the park toward the apartment building. He could see the three of them meeting. With his Byakugan, he tried to read their lips.

If he could just get closer-

"Neji, what's up with you lately?" asked Tenten.

Neji flinched, dropped his binoculars and fell out of the tree. He hit the ground and landed flat on his face. Tenten laughed in surprise. "So much for 360-degree vision."

"You startled me, Tenten," said Neji, standing up and looking up. Tenten was sitting on the branch of a tree. "And using it takes focus."

"I guess," said Tenten, "why do you keep following these guys around?"

Neji sighed. "I have my suspicions, Tenten. And now I have confirmed them."

"What do you mean?" asked Tenten.

"The ones' known as Zaku and Dosu are learning to bypass the armbands," said Neji. "They may well be attempting an escape."

"Wow, really?" asked Tenten with a certain sarcasm. "So what are we going to do?"

"Obviously we will notify their parole officer, Anko Mitsurushi," said Neji.

"Oh," said Tenten. She blinked as she dropped down.

Neji contained in his irritation at the disappointment in her tone. "What else were you expecting?"

"Well, I kind of figured we'd..." Tenten paused. "do something."

"Don't be foolish, Tenten," said Neji. "This is a matter for the Leaf Village ANBU. It has nothing to do with us."

"So why are you spying on them?" asked Tenten.

"Merely to confirm my suspicions," said Neji, retrieving his binoculars. "You're lucky these aren't broken. Come, she's over on that rooftop."

They found Anko sunbathing on the roof, her jacket lying next to her. She was sipping an iced coffee and wearing a pair of binoculars. In one hand was a magazine.

"So, what is it you wanted?" asked Anko, glancing up and lowering her sunglasses an inch.

"I have some information for you," said Neji. "I have been observing your charges with my Byakugan. I have concluded that they are learning to bypass your armbands."

Anko smiled. "Oh, already? Smart kids."

"Already?" asked Tenten.

"Yeah, those things are experimental," said Anko. "So how are they doing it?"

"They are gradually increasing the flow of their chakra," said Neji. "Without a sudden surge, the armbands do not interfere."

"Wow, that is clever of them," said Anko. "It'll probably come in handy when they make their escape."

"Should you not be taking this more seriously?" asked Neji.

Anko sighed and stood up. "Look, kid, I'll level with you. These three are genin. Small-time. If they escape and runoff, it won't be any big deal. If we can get them to work for us, fine, if not, no big deal."

"But surely you should be trying to contain them," said Neji, incredulous at how casual she was taking this.

"Why should we contain them when we can use them as a test of our systems?" asked Anko. "The armbands are experimental. If we'd used them on a jonin and they'd found that kind of weakness, it would have been a huge problem. But we're testing them on some unusually competent genin.

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