Chapter Twenty: Four for Death

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Zaku, Kin, Michiru, and Hikaru made their way outside of town to a scenic clifftop overlooking the sea. Kin admired the view as they approached, taking it in. This was way better than gold and jewels. "So, Michiru, this is where your wife lives?"

"Yes, it's very pleasant in its own way," said Michiru. "Though I never realized it when I first looked at it." They entered the garden. "Hikaru, shall we?"

"Yes," said Hikaru, looking nervous.

Michiru and Hikaru made their way up to the door. Michiru was much thinner than he'd been when they first met. There was still a bit of fat on him, but he'd worked off a great deal of it. He knocked on the door and looked very nervous.

The door opened, and Michiru rubbed the back of his head. "Hello, Amayo. It's been a long time."

A pretty, brown-haired woman ran straight past Michiru and kneeled by Hikaru. "Hikaru, what happened to you? Are you well?"

"Yes Mom, I am," said Hikaru, hugging her.

Michiru looked hurt. "Amayo, it's me?"

Amayo stood and looked to him. "Who are you?"

"It's me, Michiru," said Michiru. "I admit I've been um, well, in a better state." He looked at himself sadly.

"What happened to you?' asked Amayo. "Why are you and Hikaru dressed in rags?"

"We were attacked by one of the most powerful ninjas in the world, actually," said Michiru. "But I think we've learned a valuable lesson about picking our battles. And other lessons."

Amayo remained silent, looking over him."Why don't both of you come inside and get cleaned up? Then we'll... talk." Then she looked up at Kin and Zaku. "Who are these?"

"We're his bodyguards," said Kin.

"Where were you when his caravan was hijacked, then?" asked Amayo.

"Getting the shit kicked out of us because your brat of a son provoked fucking Tsunade!" snarled Zaku. "I didn't see you taking any punches for-"

Kin put a hand on his shoulder and dragged him back with a nervous smile. "Calm down, Zaku. Sorry about that, we've had some trouble. We'll wait outside."

In they went and Kin and Zaku walked up to a window. Kin peered in and saw within was a living room. Then this is where they'd probably talk.

"Why the hell are we on this trip?" muttered Zaku.

"Zaku, you've got to stop acting so reckless," said Kin. "We're not in a good position here."

"Yeah, you want to tell me why Tayuya's flute was playing earlier?" asked Zaku.

"I... look, she summoned me, alright," said Kin. "I didn't have a choice; I had to go to her. Dosu and I managed to talk our way out. There isn't a price on our heads."

"Not much good it'll do us, working for the Leaf," muttered Zaku.

"Either way, the Sound Four are going to wipe out all the ships except for the one we're taking," said Kin. "With any luck, Team Guy will be left behind. Then Dosu can make his plan."

"How nice of you to tell me what is going on after the plan's already started, Kin." snapped Zaku.

"Look, what do you want from me?" asked Kin. "We had to throw the thing together on the fly. And Anko-sensei was watching us this whole time. And it isn't like you needed to know the details, and if I did tell you, we might be overheard."

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