the beginning (el comienzo)

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You have never wondered why life is so hard. I do many times, for you to understand me I have to tell my story. I had to run away from home, my father was an alcoholic, and my mother was a believer. He didn't care about the blows he gave her. I was afraid of him, she is a foreigner. He left his Turkish home because he was very much in love with him, the truth is that I don't know what he saw in my father, he is sexist and racist, he and I do not think the same. However, my mother fled poverty. So I have to help her and the best way to do it is to go away to study and earn enoughmoney for both of us. My sister died last year in a motorcycle accident and my mother does not want to talk about it but I know that she suffers in silence and when I am not with her I feel that she cries with her loneliness. In her blue eyes I notice that sadness and that redness from crying so much. So for her, I enrolled in a university in Izmir. I sent resumes to a bunch of stores where I was lucky enough to get the job. Finding a place to stay was very expensive and I couldn't afford it. Until after a few days, I found an ad where they were looking for a roommate and the price was affordable. I got in touch with her and she was a very nice girl. I only had one last thing left and that was the hardest thing to tell my mother that her daughter was going away to study and I didn't know when she would return.Mama I have to tell you something) Anne sana bir şey söylemeliyim ... I said in a broken voice, I was very afraid of how I was going to react.
_ (Tell me daughter are you okay, I notice you strange, what do you want to talk about) Söyle bana kızım iyi mission, garip olduğunu fark ettim, ne hakkında konuşmak istiyorsun
_ (I want to tell you that I have managed to enroll at the University of Madrid to be a writer. I have everything arranged you will not have to put anything. Just respect my decision.) Madrid Üniversitesi'ne yazar olarak kayıt olmayı başardığımı söylemek istiyorum. Her şeyi ayarladım, hiçbir şey koymanıza gerek kalmayacak. Kararıma saygı duy. My mother began to cry, it was the first time I had seen her like this.
_ (What will become of my daughter, I will be alone. Without you, what do I do?

Aquí os lo pongo en español lo mismo para que lo leáis como queráis.

Nunca te has preguntado por qué la vida es tan dura. Lo hago muchas veces, para que me entiendas tengo que contar mi historia. Todo comenzó cuando  tuve que huir de casa, mi padre era alcohólico y mi madre creyente. No le importaron los golpes que le dio. Le tenía miedo, ella es una extranjera. Salió de su casa turca porque estaba muy enamorada de él, la verdad es que no sé qué vio en mi padre, es sexista y racista, él y yo no pensamos lo mismo. Sin embargo, mi madre huyó de la pobreza. Así que tengo que ayudarla y la mejor manera de hacerlo es irme a estudiar y ganar suficiente dinero para las dos. Mi hermana murió el año pasado en un accidente de motocicleta y mi madre no quiere hablar de eso pero sé que sufre en silencio y cuando no estoy con ella siento que llora de soledad. En sus ojos marrones noto esa tristeza y ese enrojecimiento de tanto llorar. Entonces, por ella, me inscribí en una universidad en Madrid. Envié  currículums a un montón de tiendas donde tuve la suerte de conseguir el trabajo. Encontrar un lugar para quedarme era muy caro y no podía pagarlo. Hasta que pasados ​​unos días encontré un anuncio en el que buscaban un compañero de piso y el precio era asequible. Me puse en contacto con ella y era una chica muy agradable. Solo me quedaba una última cosa y fue lo más difícil decirle a mi madre que su hija se iba a estudiar y no sabía cuándo volvería. Mamá, tengo que decirte algo) Anne sana bir şey söylemeliyim. .. Dije con la voz quebrada, tenía mucho miedo de cómo iba a reaccionar.
_ (Dime hija, ¿estás bien, te veo extraña, de qué quieres hablar?) Söyle bana kızım iyi mission, garip olduğunu fark ettim, ne hakkında konuşmak istiyorsun
_ (Quiero decirte que he conseguido matricularme en la Universidad de Madrid para ser escritora. Tengo todo arreglado no tendrás que poner nada. Solo respeta mi decisión.) Madrid Üniversitesi'ne yazar olarak kayıt olmayı başardığımı söylemek istiyorum. Su ayarladım şeyi, hiçbir şey koymanıza gerek kalmayacak. Kararıma saygı duy. Mi madre se puso a llorar, era la primera vez que la veía así.
_ (Qué será de mi hija, estaré sola. Sin ti, qué hago?

that's meDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora